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Hans Lindetorp edited this page Mar 11, 2024 · 29 revisions


Web Audio Made Easy

WebAudioXML is a plugin that helps content creators without any programming experience to prototype web audio applications with ease. It reduces the time spent on development radically compared to traditional technologies and distributes to all smartphones, tablets, and computers through a single web page.



A detailed documentation covering the different elements, attributes, variable mapping and audio signal routing methods.

WebAudioXML is both an XML syntax and a parser library. It defines how to structure Audio objects in a hierarchical, modular way using XML. The integration in a web-based application requires WebAudioXML.js - a free JavaScript library that parses the XML and creates and connects all Web Audio nodes into a tree-like structure, called an Audio Graph.

WebAudioXML is a PhD research project invented and maintained by Hans Lindetorp. It's free for anyone to use, but comes with no guarantees or support. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you find the project interesting.

Best wishes, Hans


WebAudioXML is added to a web page using one line of HTML-code added to the

-element or at the end of the . The ‘data-source’ attribute specifies the path to a WebAudioXML document.

ex. external file:

<script src="WebAudioXML.js" data-source="audio.xml"></script>

The ‘data-source’ can be a relative path or an address pointing to a remote file. It is also possible to point to an embedded XML-element within the HTML-file using the ‘id’ attribute as an identifier.

ex. embedded XML:

<xml id="WebAudioXML">
  <audio version="1.0"></audio>

<script src="WebAudioXML.js" data-source="#WebAudioXML"></script>


The following shows the simplest configuration using only one OscillatorNode connected to the Web Audio destination:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<audio version="1.0">

The structure of the XML-data follows some basic rules. The root element is named and the other elements can be either a valid Web Audio node, a Web Audio parameter or one of the following custom elements: mixer, chain, synth, voice, send, envelope or link. See the separate pages for comments on each element type.

Native WebAudio nodes

Any valid Web Audio node can potentially be specified using WebAudioXML. The name structure follows the Web Audio API specification. Currently, the following nodes are implemented and tested:

Parameters / Attributes

Any valid Web Audio parameters can be set using attributes. The following example shows an oscillator node with type set to ‘sawtooth’ and frequency set to 880 Hz.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<audio version="1.0">
 <OscillatorNode type="sawtooth" frequency="880"></OscillatorNode>


All codenames and attributes are case-insensitive, but all examples use a recommended way of specifying them and are guided by the standard set by WebAudioAPI. To be honest, I would rather have used a case-sensitive implementation but I wanted to support embedded XML inside and HTML-document which is converting the names to uppercase in an inconsistent manner between different browsers.

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