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hanya edited this page Apr 7, 2012 · 1 revision

There are several kind of bookmarks you can make. All of them can be created in New Bookmark dialog which can be opened through Insert - Bookmark entry in the main menu or Bookmark entry in the context menu.

Table of Contents

Bookmark This Document

You can make bookmark entry for current document which is already stored in the file system.

  1. Choose Bookmark This Document entry in the bookmarks menu.
  2. Input required informations in the opened dialog.
  3. Click OK button to create new entry.

General way to create new bookmarks

Here is general way to insert new bookmark using New Bookmark dialog.

  1. Open Bookmarks window, if not opened yet.
  2. Select a folder which you want to insert new bookmark in the tree.
    • When the tree structure is focused, new bookmark is appended at the end of the folder
    • When the list of entries is focused, new bookmark is inserted at the selected position.
  3. Choose Insert - Bookmark entry in the main menu of the Bookmark window. Or choose Bookmark entry in the context menu.
  4. Then New Bookmark dialog is opened.
  5. Choose a type from the top part ot the dialog.
  6. Input name, description and other required values according to the kind of entry.
  7. Click OK button to make it.
Click Reset button to clear all fields.

The way to make each kind of items are described in the followoing section. And descriptions in the following sections are summarized only on the New Bookmark dialog.


If you want to open a file in the office, choose this entry.

  1. Click Select button in the Document section, then the file picker dialog is opened.
  2. Choose a file to open in the file picker dialog and click Open.
    • If you choose a file filter in the file picker dialog, it is used to open your file.
    • If you choose All files as a filter, the filter is automatically chosen to open your file by the office.
When you click Input button in the Filter section, File filter dialog is opened. You can choose a filter to open the file in this dialog.


This entry is not differ to execute a macro through Tools - Macros entries.

  1. Click Select button in the Macro section, then the macro selector dialog is opened.
  2. Choose a macro in the dialog and click OK button.


You can execute a command which is used to do something through the main menu, context menu or shortcut keys.

  1. Click Select button in the Command section, then Select Command dialog is opened.
  2. Choose a category and choose a command in the list of commands, and then click OK button.
This entry requires living document and the extension trying to use most recent opened window of the document. Therefore create a new document and reopen the dialog when you can see only a few categories in the Select Command dialog.

When you click Input button in the arguments section, Arguments dialog is shown. Input key, value pairs, the dialog allows you to input up to ten pairs.


You can run a program though bookmark item with this kind of entry. If you have a program which you often use with the office, make an entry for it to run. You can pass arguments to it also.

  1. Input program command which you want to run in the Program section.
  2. Input arguments if required.


You have favorite programs to view or edit files depending their file type on your environment. This kind of entry allows you to open a file with it, the program is automatically chosen by your environment.

  1. Choose a type to open something in the Type section.
  2. Click Select button to choose a file or folder. If you want to open a web page, input URL in the Path section.
If you want to open a file with specific program, try Program type of bookmark.

You can choose web browser to view web pages, file manager to open folder and command to open any files. See Settings for detail.


This entry helps you to make entries which require arguments to work useful.

The following type of entries can be make.

Open from specific folder

If you open files from specific folder frequently, make this kind of entry. This entry opens dialog to open a file from starting directory specified.

  1. Choose "Open..." from specific folder in the Type section.
  2. Click Select button in the Path section and choose a directory in the directory picker dialog.
This entry might not work with Windows 7 file picker.

Save As into specific folder

If you save a file into specific folder frequently, make this kind of entry. This entry opens dialog to store a file from starting directory specified.

  1. Choose "Save As..." into specific folder in the Type section.
  2. Click Select button in the Path section and choose a directory in the directory picker dialog.
This entry might not work with Windows 7 file picker.

Place Menu

This creates a container entry to show selected directory structure and its file contents in it. List of files are dynamically loaded and shown in the sub menu. You can open a file from the list of files. But you can not choose any file filter to open. If you need to choose a file filter to open a file, try Open from specific folder entry.

  1. Choose "Place Menu" in the Type section.
  2. Click Select button in the Arguments section, then Place Menu Settings dialog is shown.
  3. Click Select button and choose a directory in the directory picker which is opened.
  4. Input file name filter if required. See Place Menu about this setting.


You can use separator to make your items to group up. Choose Insert - Separator entry in the main menu or context menu to create new separator.


If you want to show your bookmark into sub menu of the bookmarks, create new folder and put your bookmarks into it. Choose Insert - Folder entry in the main menu or context menu to create new folder entry.


This entry shows tagged by specific tag name in the sub menu. This kind of item is created as follows:

  1. Expand Tags tree.
  2. Start to drag on a tag entry which you want to make a tag entry.
  3. Drop it to a folder where you want to insert the item on the tree.
After the creation of the item, you can change its tag name to show items in the data part of the window. Click Select button and choose new tag name from the shown list.