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A Dynamic Speaker Model for Conversational Interactions

This repository includes the codes and models for the paper A Dynamic Speaker Model for Conversational Interactions for reproducing the experiment results on Switchboard Dialog Act classification.

  author    = {Hao Cheng and Hao Fang and Mari Ostendorf},
  title     = {A Dynamic Speaker Model for Conversational Interactions},
  booktitle = {Proc. Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)},
  year      = {2019},
  pages     = {2772--2785},
  url       = {},


SWDA Data Processing

  • Set up the Python virtual environment for data processing:
    virtualenv env/venv_data_processing
    source env/venv_data_processing/bin/activate
    pip install -r data_script/requirement.txt
  • Install spacy==2.0.16 and download spacy model.
    pip install spacy==2.0.16
    python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
    python -m spacy link en_core_web_sm en
  • Install nltk==2.0.5. You may get the following error if you directly use pip install nltk==2.0.5.
     urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: SSL is required
    • Download the package from here. Untar the package, and edit change http to https in line 50
       DEFAULT_URL = ""
    • Install the package using pip.
       pip install ./nltk-2.0.5
  • Download the from The Switchboard Dialog Act Corpus and unzip it into data/swda.
  • Run the data processing script
    This script produces two subdirectories data/swda_user_dialog_dir and data/swda_predictor_dialog_dir which contain the converted data for training the dynamic speaker model and the dialog act tagging model, respectively.

SWDA Dialog Act Tagging Model

  • Set up the Python virtual environment for the tagging model.

    virtualenv env/venv_tagging_model
    source env/venv_tagging_model/bin/activate
    pip install -r src/requirement.txt
  • Untar the pretrained model

    tar -xzvf swda_model.tgz
  • Run the following script to evaluate the model


    This script outputs the evaluation results and dumps the prediction into misc/eval_tagger_model_dir.

  • To train your own model, please see ./ for details.

Train and Evaluate Dynamic Speaker Models

Please see ./ and ./ for details.


Dynamic Spear Model







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