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LISTA (LIver Spatio-Temporal Atlas)

Codes used in LISTA project.

CITE: Xu, J., Guo, P., Hao, S. et al. A spatiotemporal atlas of mouse liver homeostasis and regeneration. Nat Genet (2024).


Step 1: Run 00.Stereo_seq_Matrix2SeuratObject-pipeline.R to create Seurat objects. You can run SAW analysis pipeline ( to create matrix or download the processed matrix from our database:

Step 2: Run 00.cut_zonation_layer_and_pathway_module_score.R to split spots into 9 zonation layers. The pathway module score can be add simutaneously.

Step 3: Run 00.Ligand_receptor_interaction_zonation_analysis.R to calculate interaction score of ligand & receptor pairs. The ligand receptor pairs used in our study was provided in the mouse_lr_pair.txt file. You can investigate all of them or a part.

Step 4: Run 00.Find_zonation_pathway_phyper.test.R to detect pathways enriched with zonation genes.

Step 5: Run 00.run_RCTD.R to calculate cell type projection score of scRNAseq on Stereo-seq data. You can find a detailed tutorial from RCTD offtial website:

Step 6: Run to calculate gene regulatory network. You can find a detailed tutorial from SCENIC offtial website:

Step 7: Run to calculate gene coexpression modules base on their expression pattern. You can find a detailed tutorial from Hotspot offtial website:

Step 8: Run to get raw bulk RNAseq matrix of TBL1XR1 purturbation data.

Step 9: Run 01.TBL1XR1.bulkRNAseq.DEseq.r to get differential expressed genes of TBL1XR1 purturbation data.

Step 10: Run to get chromatin modification regions of ATAC or Chip-seq data.

Step 11: Run 02.ATAC_chipseq_Motif_scan.r to get putative binding motifs of specific chromatin modification regions.

Step 12: Run to cluster scRNAseq datasets.