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Railsconf 2016

Wed may 4th

##Keynote: Jeremy Daer

##Rediscovering ActiveRecord: Mario Alberto Chavez


Being a Rails developer is more than just understanding how to use the Framework to develop applications.

To become an efficient developer, you should learn how the Framework works; how deep this understanding should be is up to you. Exploring the Framework code is something that everyone should do at least once.

Not only may you learn how it works but also, you might learn new tricks from the code itself or discover small features that are not widely publicized.

##Inside ActiveJob: Jerry D'Antonio


ActiveJob made a huge impact when it landed Rails 4.2. Most job processors support it and many developers use it. But few ever need to dig into the internals. How exactly does ActiveJob allow us to execute performant, thread-safe, asynchronous jobs in a language not known for concurrency? This talk will answer that question. We'll build our own asynchronous job processor from scratch and along the way we'll take a deep dive into queues, job serialization, scheduled tasks, and Ruby's memory model.

##Mastering the Product Discovery Canvas: Bill Allen


Building successful products that customers really want and love is very hard. In fact, most product efforts fail!

In this workshop I introduce you to the Product Discovery Canvas; it applies relevant elements of Collaborative Chartering, Customer Discovery, User Story Mapping, Pretotyping and Lean Startup for product discovery and product validation. The canvas starts with techniques for narrowing ‘product ideas’ to the ‘ideal product’. It ends with techniques for you to inexpensively answer the question, “If you build it, will people buy it and use it?” or “Should you build it at all?”

##Keynote: Nickolas Means

Thu may 5th

##Keynote: Chanelle Henry

##ActionCable for Not-Another-Chat-App-Please: Jesse Wolgamott


RealTime updates using WebSockets are so-hot-right-now, and Rails 5 introduces ActionCable to let the server talk to the browser. Usually, this is shown as a Chat application -- but very few services actually use chats.

Instead, Rails Apps want to be able to update pages with new inventory information, additional products, progress bars, and the rare notification. How can we make this happen in the real world? How can we handle this for unauthenticated users? How can we deploy this?

##Rails 5 Features You Haven't Heard About: Sean Griffin


We've all heard about Action Cable, Turbolinks 5, and Rails::API. But Rails 5 was almost a thousand commits! They included dozens of minor features, many of which will be huge quality of life improvements even if you aren't using WebSockets or Turbolinks.

This will be a deep look at several of the "minor" features of Rails 5. You won't just learn about the features, but you'll learn about why they were added, the reasoning behind them, and the difficulties of adding them from someone directly involved in many of them.

##Rails on Google Cloud Platform: Jeff Mendoza, Aja Hammerly


In this workshop, you'll go from 'rails new' to a fully functioning Rails app on Google Cloud Platform. We’ll connect to hosted MySQL, Google authentication, and other Google Cloud Platform services to build a scalable non-trivial application.

##Lightning talks

Fri may 6th

##Keynote: Aaron Patterson

##Finding Translations: Localization and Internationalization: Valerie Woolard


Translation, be it a word, sentence, concept, or idea, for different audiences has always been a challenge. This talk tackles problems of translation, especially those that tend to crop up in building software. We'll dive into the eminently practical—how to design apps for easier localization, common pitfalls, solutions for managing translations, approaches to version control with translations—and the more subjective—possible impacts of cultural differences, and what makes a "good" translation.


notes etc from rails conf






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