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[EN] Menu Music

sannier3 edited this page Aug 3, 2022 · 5 revisions

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This module enables you to replace ambient noise with music from your custom songs or CustomMenuSongs folder.

This feature comes with a small optional interface (See screenshot below) that enables you to control the music.

1 - Interface

The current music's name is formatted as follows: "Mapper name - Map name".

In case the Only play music in CustomMenuSongs folder is enabled, the filename (without file extension) will be displayed instead.

The left and right buttons allow you to go back to the previous/next song, and the middle one plays a random song from the list.

The small gear button on the top right corner enables you to access the module's settings at any time.

2 - General options

If the Only play music in CustomMenuSongs folder option is enabled, the Reload songs button on the bottom of the Settings screen allows you to refresh the list of the audio files in CustomMenuSongs.

Show player interface

Displays control interface, as on the screenshot in 1 - Interface

Show current play time

Show current and end time of the music on the player.

Player background opacity

Change player background opacity.

Player background color

Change player background color.

Play songs from beginning

Songs will be played from the beginning, instead of a random timestamp.

Start a new music on scene change

Start a new music every time you go back to the menu.

Loop current song

Loop current song.

Only play music in CustomMenuSongs folder

This option allows you to play only songs from the CustomMenuSongs folder, located at the root of your game folder.

Supported audio format are: OGG and EGG.

If the CustomMenuSongs folder is empty, songs from custom songs will be loaded by default.

Playback volume

Playback volume ranged from 0% to 100%, with a 5% step.

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