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Node Boiler Plate for Beginners


To provide platform for beginner to understand working of APIs.

Includes API Calling, Express as intermediator, Connecting MongoDB(NoSQL) with Node and Performing CRUD operations.

Have adapted methodology to process algorithm using Async/Await.

Basic Call to Generate and download Spreadsheets as well as CSVs using ExcelJS.

Prerequisites on Machine:

  1. Node JS
  2. npm (Node Package Manager) - Mostly gets installed at the time of nodejs installation
  3. git(Repository Manager)
$ sudo apt-get install git
  1. Mongodb
  2. Postman - Tool to test API

Steps To Execute:

  1. Clone the Repo using
$ git clone
  1. Open Terminal, change the path to cloned project.
  2. Execute
$ npm install
  1. After successfully execution of above steps, then execute the final step to Start the server
$ npm start
  1. Open your browser and paste the below Link localhost:4000/testConnection

  2. Explore other endpoints using Postman collection

$ cd docs/node-api-boiler.postman_collection.json

End Points registered

End points Type Description
1. /testConnection GET To verify Server working
2. /todo/create POST To create todo task
3. /todo/get GET To get todo list
4. /todo/update/:id PUT To update todo
5. /todo/delete/:id DELETE To add todo task
5. /file/generate/:type GET To generate XLSX/CSV file and Download
5. /file/generate/ GET To add todo task