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Snapshot the accessibility tree (#763)
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kblok committed Nov 21, 2018
1 parent e55dc2e commit 6375671
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Showing 8 changed files with 934 additions and 1 deletion.
340 changes: 340 additions & 0 deletions lib/PuppeteerSharp.Tests/AccessibilityTests/AccessibilityTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using PuppeteerSharp.PageAccessibility;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;

namespace PuppeteerSharp.Tests.AccesibilityTests
[Collection("PuppeteerLoaderFixture collection")]
public class AccesibilityTests : PuppeteerPageBaseTest
public AccesibilityTests(ITestOutputHelper output) : base(output)

public async Task ShouldWork()
await Page.SetContentAsync(@"
<title>Accessibility Test</title>
<div>Hello World</div>
<input placeholder='Empty input' autofocus />
<input placeholder='readonly input' readonly />
<input placeholder='disabled input' disabled />
<input aria-label='Input with whitespace' value=' ' />
<input value='value only' />
<input aria-placeholder='placeholder' value='and a value' />
<div aria-hidden='true' id='desc'>This is a description!</div>
<input aria-placeholder='placeholder' value='and a value' aria-describedby='desc' />
<option>First Option</option>
<option>Second Option</option>
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "WebArea",
Name = "Accessibility Test",
Children = new SerializedAXNode[]
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "text",
Name = "Hello World"
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "heading",
Name = "Inputs",
Level = 1
new SerializedAXNode{
Role = "textbox",
Name = "Empty input",
Focused = true
new SerializedAXNode{
Role = "textbox",
Name = "readonly input",
Readonly = true
new SerializedAXNode{
Role = "textbox",
Name = "disabled input",
Disabled= true
new SerializedAXNode{
Role = "textbox",
Name = "Input with whitespace",
Value= " "
new SerializedAXNode{
Role = "textbox",
Name = "",
Value= "value only"
new SerializedAXNode{
Role = "textbox",
Name = "placeholder",
Value= "and a value"
new SerializedAXNode{
Role = "textbox",
Name = "placeholder",
Value= "and a value",
Description= "This is a description!"},
new SerializedAXNode{
Role= "combobox",
Name= "",
Value= "First Option",
Children= new SerializedAXNode[]{
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "menuitem",
Name = "First Option",
Selected= true
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "menuitem",
Name = "Second Option"
await Page.Accessibility.SnapshotAsync());

public async Task ShouldReportUninterestingNodes()
await Page.SetContentAsync("<textarea autofocus>hi</textarea>");
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "textbox",
Name = "",
Value = "hi",
Focused = true,
Multiline = true,
Children = new SerializedAXNode[]
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "GenericContainer",
Name = "",
Children = new SerializedAXNode[]
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "text",
Name = "hi"
FindFocusedNode(await Page.Accessibility.SnapshotAsync(new AccessibilitySnapshotOptions
InterestingOnly = false

public async Task ShouldNotReportTextNodesInsideControls()
await Page.SetContentAsync(@"
<div role='tablist'>
<div role='tab' aria-selected='true'><b>Tab1</b></div>
<div role='tab'>Tab2</div>
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "WebArea",
Name = "",
Children = new SerializedAXNode[]
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "tab",
Name = "Tab1",
Selected = true
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "tab",
Name = "Tab2"
await Page.Accessibility.SnapshotAsync());

public async Task RichTextEditableFieldsShouldHaveChildren()
await Page.SetContentAsync(@"
<div contenteditable='true'>
Edit this image: <img src='fakeimage.png' alt='my fake image'>
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "GenericContainer",
Name = "",
Value = "Edit this image: ",
Children = new SerializedAXNode[]
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "text",
Name = "Edit this image:"
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "img",
Name = "my fake image"
(await Page.Accessibility.SnapshotAsync()).Children[0]);

public async Task RichTextEditableFieldsWithRoleShouldHaveChildren()
await Page.SetContentAsync(@"
<div contenteditable='true' role='textbox'>
Edit this image: <img src='fakeimage.png' alt='my fake image'>
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "textbox",
Name = "",
Value = "Edit this image: ",
Children = new SerializedAXNode[]
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "text",
Name = "Edit this image:"
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "img",
Name = "my fake image"
(await Page.Accessibility.SnapshotAsync()).Children[0]);

public async Task PlainTextFieldWithRoleShouldNotHaveChildren()
await Page.SetContentAsync("<div contenteditable='plaintext-only' role='textbox'>Edit this image:<img src='fakeimage.png' alt='my fake image'></div>");
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "textbox",
Name = "",
Value = "Edit this image:"
(await Page.Accessibility.SnapshotAsync()).Children[0]);

public async Task PlainTextFieldWithTabindexAndWithoutRoleShouldNotHaveContent()
await Page.SetContentAsync("<div contenteditable='plaintext-only' role='textbox' tabIndex=0>Edit this image:<img src='fakeimage.png' alt='my fake image'></div>");
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "textbox",
Name = "",
Value = "Edit this image:"
(await Page.Accessibility.SnapshotAsync()).Children[0]);

public async Task NonEditableTextboxWithRoleAndTabIndexAndLabelShouldNotHaveChildren()
await Page.SetContentAsync(@"
<div role='textbox' tabIndex=0 aria-checked='true' aria-label='my favorite textbox'>
this is the inner content
<img alt='yo' src='fakeimg.png'>
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "textbox",
Name = "my favorite textbox",
Value = "this is the inner content "
(await Page.Accessibility.SnapshotAsync()).Children[0]);

public async Task CheckboxWithAndTabIndexAndLabelShouldNotHaveChildren()
await Page.SetContentAsync(@"
<div role='checkbox' tabIndex=0 aria-checked='true' aria-label='my favorite checkbox'>
this is the inner content
<img alt='yo' src='fakeimg.png'>
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "checkbox",
Name = "my favorite checkbox",
Checked = CheckedState.True
(await Page.Accessibility.SnapshotAsync()).Children[0]);

public async Task CheckboxWithoutLabelShouldNotHaveChildren()
await Page.SetContentAsync(@"
<div role='checkbox' aria-checked='true'>
this is the inner content
<img alt='yo' src='fakeimg.png'>
new SerializedAXNode
Role = "checkbox",
Name = "this is the inner content yo",
Checked = CheckedState.True
(await Page.Accessibility.SnapshotAsync()).Children[0]);

private SerializedAXNode FindFocusedNode(SerializedAXNode serializedAXNode)
if (serializedAXNode.Focused)
return serializedAXNode;
foreach (var item in serializedAXNode.Children)
var focusedChild = FindFocusedNode(item);
if (focusedChild != null)
return focusedChild;

return null;
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions lib/PuppeteerSharp/Messaging/AccessibilityGetFullAXTreeResponse.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

namespace PuppeteerSharp.Messaging
internal class AccessibilityGetFullAXTreeResponse
public IEnumerable<AXTreeNode> Nodes { get; set; }

public class AXTreeNode
public string NodeId { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<string> ChildIds { get; set; }
public AXTreePropertyValue Name { get; set; }
public AXTreePropertyValue Value { get; set; }
public AXTreePropertyValue Description { get; set; }
public AXTreePropertyValue Role { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<AXTreeProperty> Properties { get; set; }

public class AXTreeProperty
public string Name { get; internal set; }
public AXTreePropertyValue Value { get; set; }

public class AXTreePropertyValue
public string Type { get; set; }
public JToken Value { get; set; }

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