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This repository is about implementing the paper Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition Arxiv Preprint using the Pytorch Geometric package. A series of experiments will be conducted to test the various methods and to see which method gives the best result. The dataset used is NTU-60 RGBD.


  • Experiment 1: The sequences are padded along the temporal dimension to a common length.
  • Experiment 2: The data is padded along the feature dimension.
  • Experiment 3: The data for 2 person is batched together along the temporal dimension such that both the graphs are treated separately for spatial and temporal convolution.
  • Experiment original stgcn: The original code is trained from scratch to observe the training and validation plots.
  • Experiment 4: The number of stgcn blocks are kept constant (10) and the hyperparameters are tuned.
  • Experiment 5: The number of stgcn blocks are varied and the accuracies are observed.
  • Experiment 6: The issue of isotropic kernel of GCN is identified.


Date Experiment Epochs Training Accuracy Validation accuracy
7/12/2020 Exp 1 80 0.23 0.016
10/12/2020 Exp 2 80 0.66 0.57
14/12/2020 Exp 3 80 0.71 0.60
15/12/2020 Exp 3b 80 0.79 0.51
18/12/2020 Exp original_stgcn 80 0.9993 0.7751

Since Expt 4,5,6 have sub experiments go to those folders to view the table of accuracies.

Packages Used

  • Python (3.6.8)
  • Pytorch (1.6.0)
  • Torch-Geometric (1.6.1)
  • Torch-Cluster (1.5.7)
  • Torch-Scatter (2.0.5)
  • Torch-Sparse (0.6.7)
  • Torch-Spline-conv (1.2.0)


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