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Transactify is a modern banking application that allows users to manage their bank and crypto accounts, track their transactions, and perform currency conversions and payments with ease.

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Transactify is a modern banking application that allows users to manage their bank and crypto accounts, track their transactions, and perform currency conversions and payments with ease.

Technologies Used


  • Config-driven bean injection using
  • Configurable currency conversion rate lookup
    • using the Open Exchange Rates API.
    • using exchange_rates.json lookup file.
  • Configurable database
  • Switchable interfaces between
    • Banking & Crypto services
    • API exchange rates lookup & file exchange rates lookup
    • In-memory database & JPA database.
  • Exception handler middleware with custom exceptions.
  • Dockerfile to build and run the application.
  • Tests for controller, services, repositories, and database.
  • OpenAPI docs available at http://localhost:8080/v3/api-docs
  • SwaggerUI available at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html.
  • Postman collection to interact with the APIs.


Configuring the Application

The application can be configured using the file, which has several properties that can be enabled or disabled depending on the user's needs:


  • - logs all SQL statements
  • - logs all SQL parameters


  • spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true - allows bean definition overriding
  • - sets the active profile


  • bank.enabled=true or crypto.enabled=true - enables the banking or crypto services
  • fileExchange.enabled=true or apiExchange.enabled=true - enables the file or API exchange rates
  • inMemoryDb.enabled=true or jpa.enabled=true - enables the in-memory or JPA database

JPA Database

  • spring.datasource.url=jdbc:h2:mem:Transactify - sets the JPA database URL
  • spring.datasource.driver-class-name=org.h2.Driver - sets the JPA database driver
  • spring.datasource.username=sa - sets the JPA database username
  • spring.datasource.password= - sets the JPA database password
  • spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop - sets the JPA database DDL
  • - shows the JPA database SQL statements
  • spring.h2.console.settings.web-allow-others=true - allows the H2 console to be accessed from other machines


The application can be configured to use an in-memory database or a JPA database.

  • inMemoryDb.enabled=true - uses a singleton concurrent Hashmap data structure as the database.
  • jpa.enabled=true - uses a JPA database that is further configured in the` file.

JPA Database with JDBC

The application ships with H2 as the default JPA database. It can be configured to use any other JPA database by changing the spring.datasource.url and spring.datasource.driver-class-name properties in the

The H2 console is available on http://localhost:8080/h2-console. The URL to connect is jdbc:h2:mem:Transactify.

Running the Application

Docker is used to get all the dependencies and run the application. Navigate to the root directory where the Dockerfile is and execute:

  • Docker build: docker build -t transactify .
  • Docker run: docker run -p 8080:8080 transactify

The application will be available at http://localhost:8080.

Running the Tests

The tests can be run using the command ./mvnw test.

OpenApi Docs, Swagger UI, and Postman Collection

Transactify includes an OpenAPI specification document that defines the API endpoints and data models used in the application. You can access the OpenAPI specification document by navigating to the http://localhost:8080/v3/api-docs.

Swagger UI interface is available at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html. The Swagger UI provides an interactive interface for exploring the API, making it easy to understand the API structure and test the API endpoints.

Additionally, a Postman collection for Transactify that includes pre-built requests for each API endpoint. You can find the Postman collection in /assets/Transactify.postman_collection.json. You can import this collection into Postman to quickly and easily test the API endpoints.

Currency Conversion

When processing payments, the application converts the amount to the currency of the account being credited. The conversion lookup strategy is configured using the file.

  • apiExchange.enabled=true - conversion by Open Exchange Rates API.

  • fileExchange.enabled=true - conversion by lookup file resources/exchange_rates.json.

API Exchange Rates

The application uses the free Open Exchange Rates API. It has a limit of 1500 requests per month per IP Address.

File Exchange Rates

This file can be extended or modified as needed. Here's an example of its contents:

  "USD": {
    "rates": {
      "EUR": 0.91,
      "GBP": 0.81,
      "INR": 81.84,
      "NOK": 10.50
  "NOK": {
    "rates": {
      "USD": 1.1903,
      "EUR": 0.087,
      "GBP": 0.077,
      "INR": 7.80
  "INR": {
    "rates": {
      "USD": 0.012,
      "EUR": 0.011,
      "GBP": 0.0098,
      "NOK": 0.13


Transactify is a modern banking application that allows users to manage their bank and crypto accounts, track their transactions, and perform currency conversions and payments with ease.






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