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Inneans Qt Components modified to work on the BlackBerry 10 (BB10) operating system.


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Qt Components for BB10

This branch (bb10) contains the MeeGo/Harmattan Qt Components modified to work on the BlackBerry 10 OS.

What was changed from Ineans components
- main window size is automatically detected as runtime ("normal" Qt Components just have a hardcoded value)
- the default orientation was changed to portrait
- orientation fixes to work correctly with the QBB_USE_OPENGL environmental variable
- removed dependency on QSystemInfo when building with qt-mobility support, as QSystemInfo is not part of the BB10 Qt build
- fixed screen rotation to landscape every time the application is minimized
- high-DPI adaptation for relevant components --> this is not 100% done & patches are welcome ! :)
-- basically, most of the hardcoded values were multiplied by 2, which seems to work quite fine on the high-DPI screen of the Dev-Alpha

Where to make changes
For you changes to make effect, edit the files present in the src/fremantle/cssu folder.
Changing the other files will not influence the build with the below provided commands.

Preparing for the build
Firs of all install the BlackBerry 10 native SDK.
Then prepare you shell for cross-compiling with the BB10 NDK:
source ~/bbndk/

Use the following command to configure for build:
./configure -fremantle -no-maliit -make cssu -force-local-theme -mobility -no-xrandr -no-xdamage -nomake examples

Just start make to compile it:
make -j5

The resulting compiled components are in the imports/ folder.
You can drop the "org" folder as that contains components targeted for Maemo 5 Fremantle,
that are not needed by the ordinary MeeGo components.

First clean the directory:
make clean
Then remove the imports folder with the result & proceed with configure & make as usual.

Using the components
To use these components, use the following import in your QML:
import 1.0
You also need to pack the contents of the "imports" folder together with your application and then point the QML_IMPORT_PATH to it on application startup.
Or you can feel the QDeclarativeEngine to add it when instantiation the QDeclarativeView.
Also don't forget to set the QBB_USE_OPENGL environmental variable to "1", as it it would not use OpenGL and be horrendously slow.
The automatic orientation code also expects OpenGL to be set, as it fixes a few glitches introduces by using it and might not work correctly otherwise.
You can include the following code in your bar, which makes sure QBB_USE_OPENGL is properly set at startup:
<env var="QBB_USE_OPENGL" value="1"/>

Compatible theme
You can get a BB10 Qt Components theme from here:
Se README in the main folder for how to use the theme.

Original Qt Components README
This source tree contains the Qt Components project.

configure (for compiling specific component sets add '-meego' or '-symbian')
make install

The project is divided into:

- The module Qt.labs.components: _for now_ contains general purpose helpers for QML.

and also (for the time being) two QML modules for component sets implemented using those components

- com.meego: components from MeeGo Touch UI library,
- set of UI components for Symbian.

The lib will install in QTDIR/lib, while the modules will go to QTDIR/imports.

Build dependencies
- Qt 4.7

Optional dependencies
- MeeGo Touch (for some features of the the com.meego module)
  -- On desktop, download and install: libmeegotouch & meegotouch-theme from
  -- NOTE: meegotouch is already available if you are compiling inside scratchbox with a maemo6 target setup

Coding Style
Follow the respective Qt coding style for C++ and QML files and the
JavaScript coding style for JS only files.

Coding Styles
- Qt C++:
- QML:
- JS:

Running on Desktop
- Pass -graphicssystem native
- On mac, running tests require prefixing the path to the libqtcomponentsplugin.dylib: 
   "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Developer/depot/qt/imports/Qt/labs/components/ make check"

Building the Documentation

To generate the Symbian components documentation:
configure -symbian
make docs

This will generate HTML files in the doc/html directory. Also, a qch file will
be generated in the doc/qch directory. This qch file can be loaded in
Qt Assistant or Qt Creator.

Build instructions for MeeGoTouch (quickstart)
(After trying to install things in a different prefix,
 I gave up since I couldn't get meegotouch to find its theme.)

You will need these projects:

1: meegotouch-theme: qmake PREFIX=/usr/local/ && sudo make install

2: libmeegotouch:
   ./configure --prefix=/usr
 Make sure that you configure with dbus. If it doesn't pick up qt's dbus:
   export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$QTDIR/lib/pkgconfig
   make install

3: qt-components: ./configure -meego && make install
     (installs into your current binary qt path)
     or use dpkg-buildpackage to make a .deb package


Inneans Qt Components modified to work on the BlackBerry 10 (BB10) operating system.







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