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Change data capture with Kafka

Project overview

This project focuses on implementing Change Data Capture (CDC) to replicate data from a source database to a destination database using Kafka.

The following steps outline the process:

1.Set up the Source and Destination Databases:

  • Both the source and destination databases are hosted on Google Cloud SQL.

2.Set up Kafka Cluster Managed by Confluent:

  • Create a Kafka cluster managed by Confluent, which will serve as the central event streaming platform.
  • The Kafka cluster is deployed on Docker, running on Google Cloud Compute Engine.
  • Ensure proper network connectivity between the Kafka cluster, source database, and destination database.

3.Configure Debezium CDC Connector:

  • Utilize the Debezium CDC connector to capture changes from the source database.
  • This connector captures data changes in real-time and transforms them into a stream of events.

4.Replicate Data with Kafka Connect JDBC Connector:

  • Use the JDBC connector provided by Kafka Connect to sink the captured data from the Kafka cluster to the destination database.
  • Configure the connector to establish a connection with the destination database and maintain data consistency during the replication process.

5.Perform Real-time Transformations using ksqlDB:

  • Utilize ksqlDB, a streaming SQL engine for Apache Kafka, to create a stream for real-time data transformations.
  • Implement necessary transformations on the data stream to match the desired format and structure of the destination database.


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