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User Centric Frontend Development Milestone Project - Harry Lewis

eve DJ Website

eve Logo

For this milestone project I decided to make a website spcecifically designed for the DJ group eve. By combining all the learning and study from the previous three modules I have designed a fully responsive front-end website using HTML5, CSS3, Boostootstrap and other CSS libraries/frameworks that will be credited further into this README.

eve are a collective of three fermale DJ's residing in Dublin. They have a good online presence in the form of social media but have not got their own personal website. The benefits of this website for the client will be to increase their fan abse, gain them future bookings and give their users are expierience that will keep them coming back to the site.


The client wants a website where they can showcase their music/media from previous gigs to boost their fanbase and also have a site for returning fans to keep up to date with whats going on. They also want to have a section where they can be booked by promoters for future gigs.

In summary the main focus of the website will be to:

  • Desing a website that will lead to bookings & increase fan base
  • Boost online presence
  • Present a UX that will encourage users to return to the website
  • Have easy access to all other platforms of media / online content for promotion of the artist

User Stories

  • As a fan, I want to see eve's upcoming gigs
  • As a DJ I want to showcase our music
  • As a promoter, I want to book this DJ
  • As a fan, I want to book this artist for a private event
  • As a fan, I want to listen to eve's previous mixes

Wireframes & Features

Index wireframe

Index Page

Feature 1 - Nav bar

The navigation bar will be at the top of every page and will consist of 6 components:

  1. Home Tab. Pretty simple, brings the user back to the home page.

  2. Eve Logo. In the left corner will be the logo of the DJ and can be clicked on any page to bring you back to the home / index page.

  3. Gigs Tab. This will be the button on the navigation bar that brings you to view infiormation about upcomming and past gigs.

  4. Boiler Room Tab. This will bring you to the video of eve's Boiler room.

  5. Guest Mixes Tab. This dropdown button will show all the DJ's who have been fetaured as a guest DJ. Clicking on a DJ will bring you directly to the part in the gigs page the DJ is and be able to listen to their mix.

  6. Contact Tab. This buttong will bring you to the page where the users can either book with the DJ's agent or send them a message directly.

When viewed on mobile devices the nav bar colabses into a single button that when clicked will expand and show the tabs insdide to maintain screen real estate.

Feature 2 - Hero video

The hero video is showcasing moving artwork that has been done by the DJ's artwork team. This will be set to loop and autoplay so the user will imediately see the artwork in motion.

Ferature 3 - About me section

The about us section will give new/first time users a brief but detailed introduction as to who the the artists is and their background. There is a hidden feature here where you hover over the DJ's names it will highlight in pink. Clicking on this will bring you to the DJ'S solo DJ account. This was requested by the client.

Feature 4 - Booking Call out

This section will allow users who are interested having a private even to send the eve DJ's a direct message. By clicking the "book us here" button a form will pop up on screen for the user to fill out. The forms also have validation on all entries so they cannot enter incorrect or no information.

Feature 5 - Image Carosuel

Photo's of the eve DJ's will be on show here to give the users a feel as to who the artists are. Using teh bootstrap Carosuel the images automaticly change.

Feature 6 - upcoming gigs

This Feature will show users the next four gigs that the eve DJ's have been booked for. This will also be developed further as a future feature.

Feature 7 - Soundcloud iframe

The Soundcloud iframe will give users the ability to listento the mixes that they have uploaded to the eve Soundcloud from the eve website. Autoplay is enabled on the index page as the client wanted the mix to play automatically when the page is opened.

** Feature 8 - Footer**

The footer which is accross all pages of the website has links to all of eve's social media accounts, Facebook, Soundcloud, Instagram and a final link with a letter icon that take the user to the contact page of the website.

Gigs wireframe

Gigs Page

 Feature 1 - Next Gig section

This section is split into three parts. This will also be developed further as a future feature.

  1. Next Gig Poster The poster / video of next gig will be displayed that is from the night promoter.

  2. Event Info All information about the next gig from the event page (facebook) will be displayed here for. This will also have a button below the information to take the user to the event page on facebook.

  3. Coming Up As featured in the Index page. This section will show user the next 3 gigs eve have been booked for.

Feature 2 - Previous Gigs

In this section the will be a photo collage of all the past gigs eve have played. This will also be developed further as a future feature.

Boiler Room wireframe

Boiler Room Page

A youtube iframe will be used so that users can watch the eve Boiler Room without having to leave the website.

Guest Mixes wireframe

Guest Mixes Page

Feature 1- Soundcloud iframe

the Soundcloud iframe will be used here so users can listen to the artists guest mix they have recorded for eve.

Feature 2 - Info about the artist

Next to the Soundcloud iframe there will be a short description about teh artist that eve have provided. Next to their Name will be a clickable icon for users if they wish to visit the music page of the artist.

Contact wireframe

Contact Page

There will be two forms here on the contact page for users to use. One is for a booking to me made with eve's agent, and the other is to send them a message directly.

All entries have validation on so that the user will have to have all relevent information filled in before they can submit their message.


This feature will be used on various clickable links throught the website. With the cursor hovered of the anchor it will turn pink. Look out for the nav bar tabs, buttons and social media icons.

Future features:

  • Pull data from event pages to automatically update the "Upcoming gigs" on the index page and "Next Gig" section.

  • automatically upload poster form event page to the "Previous Gigs" photo gallary section.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • CCS3
  • Bootstrap - CSS, JavaScript & JQuery styling
  • - To create the favicon
  • Font Awesome - for use of icons throght the website
  • Google Fonts
  • GitHub / Gitpod


Nav Bar

Using Google Chrome Dev tools during the development of the nav bar testing was carried out accross all types of mobile devices to make sure the responsive parameters of the nav bar were working. I would also resize the screen manually to see if the breakpoints were collapsing the nav bar at the correct size. Last thing was to check all nav bar tabs lead to the correct destination.

All the tests were tested on Google Chrome and Safari mobile browsers.

Hero Video

Checked across all platforms to make sure it always maintained 100% width. And also that the "loop" and "autoplay" functions worked across multiple browsers.


The first form to check was on the index page. I made sure the validation setting was working and that the modal worked on desktop, ipad, and iphone. The same check were made with teh forms on the contact page.


Once all images were added the the code for the carosuel I would deploy the page in a browser to check if the Bootstrap javascript was working.


All the iframes we tested on Chrome, Firefox, Safari and internet explorer to make sure that music is able to be played on all browsers. I had also tested it on my iphone to see if it played on the Safari mobile broswer and chrome browser. The autoplay for the index page and Boiler Room was also tested and working.


All anchors with the hover feature were tested on Chrome, Firefox, Safari and internet explorer and worked accordingly.

Icons / Social links

All anchored elements were tested to make sure that the correct website address had been enetered and target="_blank" was functional.

Pending Known Issues

  1. A known issue with the forms is the mailto. This will be implemented once knowledge is gained.

  2. Dropdown menu on Safari mobile browswer is showing a blue box around "Guest Mixes" when clicked.

  3. The Facebook social icon on the footer has a small blue line to the right when highlighted.

Fixed Issues

  • On mobile devices the buttons used when clicked were highlighting in a different color. Later corrected using Chrome dev tools to find the bootstrap class that was causing this and corrected using CSS.


W3C validator was used to make sure all code was valid


Github Pages was the main source for deployement and can be run online from this link:

To run this site locally you can clone or run on desktop by doing the following steps:

clone image

  1. Visit the repository at
  2. Click the green "clone or download" button.
  3. Click the clipboard icon to copy the link.
  4. Open your IDE and navigate to a new terminal window.
  5. Change the directory where you want to clone the repository to.

Or by downloading the zip:

  1. Click the "Downlaod Zip" button.
  2. Extract the zip file.
  3. Click teh files to run them in your browser.


All media and content of eve DJ's was provided by eve.

Please note this website is for educational purposes only.


First milestone project for Code Institute - Website for DJ's "eve"






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