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IndyKite Client Libraries for Go

IndyKite is a cloud identity platform built to secure and manage human & non-person (IoT) identities and their data. This repository contains the JavaScript Library packages for IndyKite Platform Client SDK.

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import ""

In order to access to the platform you must obtain an API key first. This key can be obtained either from the Admin Console or request one from your point of contact at IndyKite.


Go 1.16

Used terminology

Definition Description
Digital Twin A digital twin is the digital identity of a physical entity on/in a software/identity system
Application Space ID ID of the application where the digital twin belongs to
Application Agent ID ID of the agent which makes the application available for the different calls
Tenant ID ID of the tenant where the digital twin belongs to. The tenant is belong to an application space
Private Key and Settings The secret which required to reach the system. Indykite provides the necessary secrets
Property The digital twin's property (eg.: email, name)
JWT JSON Web Tokens
Introspect A process used to validate the token and to retrieve properties assigned to the token
Patch property Add, change or delete a property of a digital twin


Visit the IndyKite One Developer Community site for official IndyKite documentation and to find out how to use the entire platform for your project.

Getting Started


For a trial please contact IndyKite to setup and configure the platform.

Initial settings

  1. You need to have a configuration json file to be able to use the Jarvis Proto SDK. You can get it from your Indykite contact or from Indykite console if you have access to it.

    Example configuration file:

  "appSpaceId": "696e6479-6b69-4465-8000-010100000002",
  "baseUrl": "",
  "applicationId": "696e6479-6b69-4465-8000-020100000002",
  "defaultTenantId": "696e6479-6b69-4465-8000-030100000002",
  "appAgentId": "696e6479-6b69-4465-8000-050100000002",
  "endpoint": "",
  "privateKeyJWK": {
    "kty": "EC",
    "d": "aa",
    "use": "sig",
    "crv": "P-256",
    "kid": "2e5lIxxb6obIwpok",
    "x": "6d83se2Eg",
    "y": "lshzMo",
    "alg": "ES256"
  "privateKeyPKCS8Base64": "LS0tLS==",
  "privateKeyPKCS8": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nM\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"

Conditionally optional parameters:

  • baseUrl
  • defaultTenantId
  • endpoint
  1. You have two choices to set up the necessary credentials. You either pass the json to the INDYKITE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable or set the INDYKITE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_FILE environment variable to the configuration file's path.

    1. on Linux and OSX

      export INDYKITE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS='{"appSpaceId":"00000000-0000-4000-a000-000000000000","appAgentId":"00000000-0000-4000-a000-000000000001","endpoint": "","privateKeyJWK":{"kty":"EC","d": "abcdef","use": "sig","crv": "P-256","kid":"efghij","x":"klmnop","y":"qrstvw","alg":"ES256"}}'`


      export INDYKITE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/Users/xx/configuration.json
    2. on Windows command line

      setex INDYKITE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS='{"appSpaceId":"00000000-0000-4000-a000-000000000000","appAgentId":"00000000-0000-4000-a000-000000000001","endpoint": "","privateKeyJWK":{"kty":"EC","d": "abcdef","use": "sig","crv": "P-256","kid":"efghij","x":"klmnop","y":"qrstvw","alg":"ES256"}}'`


      setex INDYKITE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_FILE "C:\Users\xx\Documents\configuration.json"

SDK Development

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Contributers / Acknowledgements

Coming Soon!

What is IndyKite

IndyKite is a cloud identity platform built to secure and manage human & non-person (IoT) identities and their data. Based on open source standards, the cloud platform gives developers the ability to secure data and embed identity controls into their Web 3.0 applications. Empowering the world’s 23 million developers without the need to involve security and identity specialists.


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.


IndyKite Platform SDK for Go



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  • Go 99.1%
  • Other 0.9%