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Modifications to blacklight to use Harvard LibraryCloud as its faceted search subsystem

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This repository contains a Blacklight instance that uses the Harvard LibraryCloud Item API as a backend in place of the standard Solr backend. It also allows adding items to the LibraryCloud collections using the Collections API.

Demo site:



  • Create a new application on Heroku
  • If not already installed, install the Heroku command-line tools as per and login to your Heroku account
  • On the "Deploy" tab for your application, select "Heroku Git" as the deployment method
  • Clone this repository
  • Add the Heroku repository as a remote
heroku git:remote -a [MY APPLICATION NAME]
  • Push the code to Heroku
git push heroku master
  • On the "Settings" tab add a new Config Variable named LC_API_KEY with the value of your LibraryCloud API key. (This is only required for the "Add to Collection" functionality)


git clone ~/.rbenv
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL

git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL

rbenv install 2.5.0
rbenv global 2.5.0
ruby -v

gem install bundler
rbenv rehash
  • Install Rails
gem install rails -v 5.1.4
rbenv rehash
  • Install Solr for Blacklight

(This may not actually be necessary, since we're not using Solr)

gem install solr_wrapper
rbenv rehash
  • Install the Application
git clone
cd STLee-blacklight/
bundle install
  • Configure the database connection

Edit config/database.yml with credentials that match the Postgres user and database that you are using. For example, change the 'development' section as follows, to add username and password configuration keys:

  <<: *default
  database: mydatabase
  username: myusername
  password: mypassword
  • Initialize the database
bundle exec rake db:migrate
  • Start the application
rails server

Documentation of Code Changes

Use the LibraryCloud Item API

These changes allow Blacklight to use the LibraryCloud API as the backend data store, rather than a Solr index .

This is the main configuration file for an installation of Blacklight. Changes in this file are:

  • Swap out the Blacklight classes that interact with Solr for our own classes that interact with the LibraryCloud API
    ## Class for sending and receiving requests from a search index
    config.repository_class = Harvard::LibraryCloud::Repository
    ## Class for converting Blacklight's url parameters to into request parameters for the search index
    config.search_builder_class = Harvard::LibraryCloud::SearchBuilder
    ## Model that maps search index responses to the blacklight response model
    config.response_model = Harvard::LibraryCloud::Response
  • Set the relative path to be appended to the Base URL when making API queries. In a traditional Blacklight installation this will identify the Solr core to be used. In our case, we use it to identify the record format (JSON + MODS) to return
# Path which will be added to the API base url before the other API params.
config.solr_path = 'items.json'
  • Configure the fields that Blacklight uses for display, searching, sorting, and faceting. These need to match the fields returned by the LibraryCloud API. The methods and attributes used to set the fields are:
  • Disable autocomplete. Since the LibraryCloud API does not support autocomplete, this will result in an error if enabled
config.autocomplete_enabled = false

Contains miscellaneous helper functions

Create a model for the document that will be used to display content in Blacklight on index and detail pages. Takes a MODS document from LibraryCloud and returns a flat list of fields with values.

Allow the application to find the Harvard::LibraryCloud package in the lib directory

Changes to allow the site to be deployed to Heroku (use Postrgres instead of sqlite)

This is the primary interface through which Blacklight interacts with Solr (or in our case, the API). It replaces lib/blacklight/solr/repository.rb which is distributed with part of the Blacklight gem. The code is mostly the same as that in the file it replaces, with the following changes:

  • build_connection() returns a Harvard::LibraryCloud::API rather than an RSolr connection
  • Some log statements and variable names are changed to clarify they reference the LibraryCloud API rather than Solr (for example solr_response is renamed to api_response)

This class handles the actual interaction with the LibraryCloud API. This includes:

  • Mapping the Blacklight request parameters to LibraryCloud API parameters. The parameters passed to this class are the same as those passed to RSolr in a standard Blacklight configuration, so they need to be altered to reflect the difference between Solr and LibraryCloud API syntax
  • Adding parameters to the LibraryCloud API query to limit results to public items in DRS
  • Making the actual HTTPS call to the LibraryCloud API

Parse the response received from the LibraryCloud API. Inherit from the response.rb provided by Blacklight, and override certain functions as needed to handle differences between the responses provided by LibraryCloud and Solr.

Including Harvard::LibraryCloud::Facets rather than the Blacklight facet module ensures that facet responses are parsed correctly based on the LibraryCloud format.

Replaces lib/blacklight/solr/response/facets.rb which is distributed with part of the Blacklight gem. The code is mostly the same as that in the file it replaces, with the following change:

  • facet_fields() is changed to parse facets using the LibraryCloud format rather than the Solr format

Blacklight defines a processor chain that can be used to add additional fields to the query. We use that here to add the 'search_field' parameter, which is required for the LibraryCloud API, but not Solr

Apply custom design

These change apply a custom design to the default Blacklight installation. The home, search, and item detail pages have been updated with the new design.

  • Configure the "actions" that we want to display for items in the results by removing unwanted actions using
  • Define the partials (_FILE.html.erb) that we want to include on the index and item detail pages, in the desired order
config.index.partials = [:thumbnail, :index_header, :index] = [ :show_header, :show_original, :show]
  • Set the options for the pager
config.per_page = [12,24,48,96]

Additional steps to apply the design

Add items to LibraryCloud Collections (Item Detail Page)

Create an action that allows adding items to collections through the LibraryCloud Collections API.

  • Include the Harvard::LibraryCloud::Collections module to handle the "Add to Collection" functinality, so Blacklight can find it
include Harvard::LibraryCloud::Collections
  • Add the "Add to Collection" action
add_show_tools_partial(:add_to_collection, define_method: false)
  • Define method add_to_collection which is called by BlackLight when the 'Add to Collection' dialog is displayed
  • Define method add_to_collection_action which submits one or more items to be added to a LibraryCloud collection
  • Define method add_to_collection_solr_document_path which is called by BlackLight to define the URL to invoke the "Add to Collection" action
  • Define methd available_collections which retrives a list of collections to which an item can be added

Modal for displaying the "Add To Collection" form

Partial that renders the "Add to Collection Form"

Modal for displaying the "Succes" message after an item is added to a collection

Add items to LibraryCloud Collections (Search Results Page)

Allow users to add items to the collections in bulk from the search results page.

  • Add the "Add to Collection" action to items in the search results
add_results_document_tool(:add_to_collection, define_method: false)

Add display of document actions to the bottom of each individual item in the search results

Define a partial for the 'add to collection on the index page' action, that will be included from app/views/catalog/_index_default.html.erb.

This is basically just a checkbox with no smarts.

Define a partial that can include the actual "Add to Collection" button for the search results page, along with a "Select all" checkbox. This partial is included in the search results sidebar (app/views/catalog/_search_sidebar.html.erb)

CSS and Javascript to handle selecting checkboxes

We use Javascript to dynamically update the form submit URL for the "Add to Collection" action in the app/views/catalog/_add_to_collection_index_action.html.erb partial. And a bit of CSS to make it look better. The relevant files are:

Known Issues

  • Not possible to select multiple choices within a single facet.
    • Workaround: set “single: true” on the facet_field configuration
    • Reason: LC API doesn’t handle queries on the same field correctly)
  • “More” option for facets is not enabled.
    • Workaround: do not specify a “limit” on the facet_field configuration
    • Reason: Not implemented
  • “Autocomplete” functionality does not work
    • Workaround: disable it in the catalog_controller
    • Reason: not supported by LibraryCloud API
  • Can only sort by relevance
    • Workaround: Use “relevance” as the only sort option
    • Reason: Sorting by date not supported by LibraryCloud API
  • When adding an item to a collection, all collections are displayed as options, including those that the current "user" (API key) doesn't have permission to change
    • Workaround: Use an admin API key to allow adding to any collection
    • Reason: Collections API does not allow filtering collections by owner