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Sasha committed Nov 1, 2019
2 parents 492f6eb + 1ca0188 commit 656847f
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Showing 6 changed files with 316 additions and 73 deletions.
286 changes: 230 additions & 56 deletions torch_struct/
@@ -1,14 +1,50 @@
import torch
from .helpers import _Struct
from .semirings import LogSemiring
import math

def pad_conv(x, k, dim, sr, extra_b=0, extra_t=0):
return pad(x, (k - 1) // 2 + extra_b, (k - 1) // 2 + extra_t, dim, sr).unfold(
dim, k, 1

def pad(x, n_bot, n_top, dim, sr):
shape = list(x.shape)
base = sr.zero_(torch.zeros([1] * len(shape), dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device))

shape[dim] = n_bot
padb = base.expand(shape)
if n_top == n_bot:
padt = padb
shape[dim] = n_top
padt = base.expand(shape)

return[padb, x, padt], dim=dim)

def demote(x, index):
total = x.dim()
order = tuple(range(index)) + tuple(range(index + 1, total)) + (index,)
return x.permute(order)

class Alignment(_Struct):
def __init__(self, semiring=LogSemiring, local=False, max_gap=None):
self.semiring = semiring
self.local = local
self.max_gap = max_gap

def _check_potentials(self, edge, lengths=None):
batch, N_1, M_1, x = edge.shape
assert x == 3
if self.local:
assert (edge[..., 0] <= 0).all(), "skips must be negative"
assert (edge[..., 1] >= 0).all(), "alignment must be positive"
assert (edge[..., 2] <= 0).all(), "skips must be negative"
edge = self.semiring.convert(edge)

N = N_1
M = M_1
if lengths is None:
Expand All @@ -30,123 +66,252 @@ def _dp_scan(self, log_potentials, lengths=None, force_grad=False):
log_potentials, batch, N, M, lengths = self._check_potentials(
log_potentials, lengths
assert self.max_gap is None or self.max_gap > abs(N - M)

steps = N + M
log_MN = int(math.ceil(math.log(steps, 2)))
bin_MN = int(math.pow(2, log_MN))

Down, Mid, Up = 0, 1, 2
Open, Close = 0, 1
LOC = 2 if self.local else 1

# Create a chart N, N, back
chart = self._make_chart(
log_MN + 1, (batch, bin_MN, bin_MN, bin_MN, 3), log_potentials, force_grad

# Init
# This part is complicated. Rotate the scores by 45% and
# then compress one.
# Grid
grid_x = torch.arange(N).view(N, 1).expand(N, M)
grid_y = torch.arange(M).view(1, M).expand(N, M)
rot_x = grid_x + grid_y
rot_y = grid_y - grid_x + N

# Helpers
ind = torch.arange(bin_MN)
ind_M = ind
ind_U = torch.arange(1, bin_MN)
ind_D = torch.arange(bin_MN - 1)

charta = [
bin_MN // pow(2, i),
2 * bin_MN // pow(2, log_MN - i) - 1,
if i <= 1
else None
for i in range(log_MN + 1)

chartb = [
bin_MN // pow(2, i),
2 * bin_MN // pow(2, log_MN - i) - 1,
if i <= 1
else None
for i in range(log_MN + 1)

def reflect(x, size):
ex = x.shape[3]
f, r = torch.arange(ex), torch.arange(ex - 1, -1, -1)
sp = pad_conv(x, ex, 4, semiring)
sp.view(ssize, batch, size, ex, bin_MN, LOC, LOC, 3, ex)
sp = (
sp[:, :, :, r, :, :, :, :, f]
.permute(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6, 7)
.view(ssize, batch, size, bin_MN, ex, LOC, LOC, 3)
return sp

# Init
# This part is complicated. Rotate the scores by 45% and
# then compress one.

for b in range(lengths.shape[0]):
end = lengths[b]
# Add path to end.
point = (end + M) // 2
point = (end + M) // 2
lim = point * 2
chart[1][:, b, point : bin_MN // 2, ind, ind, Mid] = semiring.one_(
chart[1][:, b, point : bin_MN // 2, ind, ind, Mid]

charta[0][:, b, rot_x[:lim], 0, rot_y[:lim], :, :, :] = (
log_potentials[:, b, :lim].unsqueeze(-2).unsqueeze(-2)
chartb[0][:, b, rot_x[:lim], rot_y[:lim], 0, :, :, :] = (
log_potentials[:, b, :lim].unsqueeze(-2).unsqueeze(-2)

charta[1][:, b, point:, 1, ind, :, :, Mid] = semiring.one_(
charta[1][:, b, point:, 1, ind, :, :, Mid]
:, b, rot_x[: end + M], rot_y[:lim], rot_y[:lim], :
] = log_potentials[:, b, : end + M]

for b in range(lengths.shape[0]):
end = lengths[b]
point = (end + M) // 2
lim = point * 2
chart[1][:, b, :point, ind_M, ind_M, :] = torch.stack(

left2_ = charta[0][:, b, 0:lim:2]
right2 = chartb[0][:, b, 1:lim:2]

charta[1][:, b, :point, 1, ind_M, :, :, :] = torch.stack(
chart[0][:, b, :lim:2, ind_M, ind_M, Down],
chart[0][:, b, :lim:2, ind_M, ind_M, Mid],
chart[0][:, b, 1:lim:2, ind_M, ind_M, Mid],
left2_[:, :, 0, ind_M, :, :, Down],
left2_[:, :, 0, ind_M, :, :, Mid],
right2[:, :, ind_M, 0, :, :, Mid],
chart[0][:, b, :lim:2, ind_M, ind_M, Up],
left2_[:, :, 0, ind_M, :, :, Up],

x = torch.stack([ind_U, ind_D], dim=0)
y = torch.stack([ind_D, ind_U], dim=0)
q = torch.stack(
z = y.clone()
z[0, :] = 2
z[1, :] = 0

z2 = y.clone()
z2[0, :] = 0
z2[1, :] = 2

tmp = torch.stack(
chart[0][:, b, :lim:2, ind_D, ind_D, :],
chart[0][:, b, 1:lim:2, ind_U, ind_U, Down : Down + 1],
left2_[:, :, 0, ind_D, Open : Open + 1 :, :],
right2[:, :, ind_U, 0, :, Open : Open + 1, Down : Down + 1],
chart[0][:, b, :lim:2, ind_U, ind_U, :],
chart[0][:, b, 1:lim:2, ind_D, ind_D, Up : Up + 1],
left2_[:, :, 0, ind_U, Open : Open + 1, :, :],
right2[:, :, ind_D, 0, :, Open : Open + 1, Up : Up + 1],
charta[1][:, b, :point, z, y, :, :, :] = tmp

chart[1][:, b, :point, x, y, :] = q
charta[1] = charta[1][:, :, :, :3]
chartb[1] = reflect(charta[1], bin_MN // 2)

# Scan
def merge(x, size):
def merge2(xa, xb, size, rsize):
nrsize = (rsize - 1) * 2 + 3
rsize += 2
st = []
left = (
x[:, :, 0 : size * 2 : 2]
.permute(0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3)
.view(ssize, batch, size, 1, bin_MN, 3, bin_MN)
demote(xa[:, :, 0 : size * 2 : 2, :], 3), nrsize, 7, semiring, 2, 2
.transpose(-1, -2)
.view(ssize, batch, size, bin_MN, 1, LOC, LOC, 3, nrsize, rsize + 2)

right = (
x[:, :, 1 : size * 2 : 2]
.permute(0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4)
.view(ssize, batch, size, bin_MN, 1, 1, 3, bin_MN)
demote(xb[:, :, 1 : size * 2 : 2, :, :], 4), nrsize, 3, semiring
.transpose(-1, -2)
.view(ssize, batch, size, bin_MN, LOC, 1, LOC, 1, 3, nrsize, rsize)
st = []

for op in (Up, Down, Mid):
a, b, c, d = 0, bin_MN, 0, bin_MN
top, bot = rsize + 1, 1
if op == Up:
a, b, c, d = 1, bin_MN, 0, bin_MN - 1
top, bot = rsize + 2, 2
if op == Down:
a, b, c, d = 0, bin_MN - 1, 1, bin_MN
st.append([..., a:b], right[..., op, c:d]))
top, bot = rsize, 0

combine =
left[:, :, :, :, :, Open, :, :, :, bot:top],
right[:, :, :, :, :, Open, :, :, op, :, :],
combine = combine.view(
ssize, batch, size, bin_MN, LOC, LOC, 3, nrsize
).permute(0, 1, 2, 7, 3, 4, 5, 6)

if self.local:
left_ = pad(
xa[:, :, 0::2, :, :, Close, :, :],
rsize // 2,
rsize // 2,
right = pad(
xa[:, :, 1::2, :, :, :, Close, :],
rsize // 2,
rsize // 2,
st.append(torch.stack([semiring.zero_(left_.clone()), left_], dim=-3))
st.append(torch.stack([semiring.zero_(right.clone()), right], dim=-2))
st = torch.stack(st, dim=-1)
return semiring.sum(st)

size = bin_MN // 2
rsize = 2
for n in range(2, log_MN + 1):
size = int(size / 2)
chart[n][:, :, :size] = merge(chart[n - 1], size)
v = chart[-1][:, :, 0, M, N, Mid]
rsize *= 2
q = merge2(charta[n - 1], chartb[n - 1], size, charta[n - 1].shape[3])
charta[n] = q
gap = charta[n].shape[3]
if self.max_gap is not None and (gap - 1) // 2 > self.max_gap:
reduced = (gap - 1) // 2 - self.max_gap
charta[n] = charta[n][:, :, :, reduced:-reduced]
chartb[n] = reflect(charta[n], size)
chartb[n] = reflect(q, size)

if self.local:
v = semiring.sum(semiring.sum(charta[-1][:, :, 0, :, :, Close, Close, Mid]))
v = charta[-1][
:, :, 0, M - N + (charta[-1].shape[3] // 2), N, Open, Open, Mid
return v, [log_potentials], None

def _rand(min_n=2):
b = torch.randint(2, 4, (1,))
N = torch.randint(min_n, 4, (1,))
M = torch.randint(min_n, 4, (1,))
b = torch.randint(2, 3, (1,))
N = torch.randint(min_n, 6, (1,))
M = torch.randint(min_n, 6, (1,))
return torch.rand(b, N, M, 3), (b.item(), (N).item())

def enumerate(self, edge, lengths=None):
semiring = self.semiring
edge, batch, N, M, lengths = self._check_potentials(edge, lengths)
d = {}
d[0, 0] = [([(0, 0)], edge[:, :, 0, 0, 1])]
d[0, 0] = [([(0, 0, 1)], edge[:, :, 0, 0, 1])]
# enum_lengths = torch.LongTensor(lengths.shape)
if self.local:
for i in range(N):
for j in range(M):
d.setdefault((i, j), [])
d[i, j].append(([(i, j, 1)], edge[:, :, i, j, 1]))

for i in range(N):
for j in range(M):
d.setdefault((i + 1, j + 1), [])
Expand All @@ -156,24 +321,33 @@ def enumerate(self, edge, lengths=None):
if i + 1 < N and j + 1 < M:
d[i + 1, j + 1].append(
chain + [(i + 1, j + 1)],
chain + [(i + 1, j + 1, 1)],
semiring.mul(score, edge[:, :, i + 1, j + 1, 1]),
if i + 1 < N:

d[i + 1, j].append(
chain + [(i + 1, j)],
chain + [(i + 1, j, 2)],
semiring.mul(score, edge[:, :, i + 1, j, 2]),
if j + 1 < M:
d[i, j + 1].append(
chain + [(i, j + 1)],
chain + [(i, j + 1, 0)],
semiring.mul(score, edge[:, :, i, j + 1, 0]),
all_val = torch.stack([x[1] for x in d[N - 1, M - 1]], dim=-1)
if self.local:
positions = [x[0] for i in range(N) for j in range(M) for x in d[i, j]]
all_val = torch.stack(
[x[1] for i in range(N) for j in range(M) for x in d[i, j]], dim=-1
_, ind = all_val.max(dim=-1)
print(positions[ind[0, 0]])
all_val = torch.stack([x[1] for x in d[N - 1, M - 1]], dim=-1)

return semiring.unconvert(semiring.sum(all_val)), None

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