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Move tests out to a different directory (#90)
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srush committed Jan 15, 2021
1 parent 86318a1 commit 81d9479
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Showing 28 changed files with 500 additions and 700 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/torch-struct.yml
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Expand Up @@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ jobs:
- name: Lint with flake8
run: |
# stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
flake8 --ignore "N801, E203, E266, E501, W503, F812, E741, N803, N802, N806" torch_struct/
flake8 --ignore "N801, E203, E266, E501, W503, F812, E741, N803, N802, N806" torch_struct/ tests/
- name: Test with pytest
run: |
pytest --cov=torch_struct --cov-report annotate:annotate --cov-report term-missing torch_struct/
pytest --cov=torch_struct --cov-report annotate:annotate --cov-report term-missing tests/
- name: Coveralls
Expand Down
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion setup.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,7 @@
test = pytest
test = pytest tests
style = flake8 --ignore "N801, E203, E266, E501, W503, F812, E741, N803, N802, N806" torch_struct tests
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,13 +2,11 @@

author="Alexander Rush",
package_data={"torch_struct": []},
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Empty file added tests/
Empty file.
355 changes: 355 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
import torch_struct
import torch
from torch_struct import LogSemiring
import itertools

class LinearChainTest:
def __init__(self, semiring=LogSemiring):
self.semiring = semiring

def _rand(min_n=2):
b = torch.randint(2, 4, (1,))
N = torch.randint(min_n, 4, (1,))
C = torch.randint(2, 4, (1,))
return torch.rand(b, N, C, C), (b.item(), (N + 1).item())

### Tests

def enumerate(self, edge, lengths=None):
model = torch_struct.LinearChain(self.semiring)
semiring = self.semiring
ssize = semiring.size()
edge, batch, N, C, lengths = model._check_potentials(edge, lengths)
chains = [[([c], semiring.one_(torch.zeros(ssize, batch))) for c in range(C)]]

enum_lengths = torch.LongTensor(lengths.shape)
for n in range(1, N):
new_chains = []
for chain, score in chains[-1]:
for c in range(C):
chain + [c],
semiring.mul(score, edge[:, :, n - 1, c, chain[-1]]),

for b in range(lengths.shape[0]):
if lengths[b] == n + 1:
enum_lengths[b] = len(new_chains)

edges = model.to_parts(
torch.stack([torch.tensor(c) for (c, _) in chains[-1]]), C
# Sum out non-batch
a = torch.einsum("ancd,sbncd->sbancd", edges.float(), edge)
a =*a.shape[:3] + (-1,)), dim=3)
a = semiring.sum(a, dim=2)
ret = semiring.sum(torch.stack([s for (_, s) in chains[-1]], dim=1), dim=1)
assert torch.isclose(a, ret).all(), "%s %s" % (a, ret)

edges = torch.zeros(len(chains[-1]), batch, N - 1, C, C)
for b in range(lengths.shape[0]):
edges[: enum_lengths[b], b, : lengths[b] - 1] = model.to_parts(
torch.stack([torch.tensor(c) for (c, _) in chains[lengths[b] - 1]]), C

return (
[s for (_, s) in chains[-1]],

class DepTreeTest:
def __init__(self, semiring=LogSemiring):
self.semiring = semiring

def _rand():
b = torch.randint(2, 4, (1,))
N = torch.randint(2, 4, (1,))
return torch.rand(b, N, N), (b.item(), N.item())

def enumerate(self, arc_scores, non_proj=False, multi_root=True):
semiring = self.semiring
parses = []
q = []
arc_scores = torch_struct.convert(arc_scores)
batch, N, _ = arc_scores.shape

# arc_scores = arc_scores.sum(-1)
for mid in itertools.product(range(N + 1), repeat=N - 1):
parse = [-1] + list(mid)
if not _is_spanning(parse):
if not non_proj and not _is_projective(parse):

if not multi_root and _is_multi_root(parse):

semiring.times(*[arc_scores[:, parse[i], i] for i in range(1, N, 1)])
return semiring.sum(torch.stack(parses, dim=-1)), None

class SemiMarkovTest:
def __init__(self, semiring=LogSemiring):
self.semiring = semiring

# Tests

def _rand():
b = torch.randint(2, 4, (1,))
N = torch.randint(2, 4, (1,))
K = torch.randint(2, 4, (1,))
C = torch.randint(2, 4, (1,))
return torch.rand(b, N, K, C, C), (b.item(), (N + 1).item())

def enumerate(self, edge):
semiring = self.semiring
ssize = semiring.size()
batch, N, K, C, _ = edge.shape
edge = semiring.convert(edge)
chains = {}
chains[0] = [
([(c, 0)], semiring.one_(torch.zeros(ssize, batch))) for c in range(C)

for n in range(1, N + 1):
chains[n] = []
for k in range(1, K):
if n - k not in chains:
for chain, score in chains[n - k]:
for c in range(C):
chain + [(c, k)],
score, edge[:, :, n - k, k, c, chain[-1][0]]
ls = [s for (_, s) in chains[N]]
return semiring.unconvert(semiring.sum(torch.stack(ls, dim=1), dim=1)), ls

### Tests

def _is_spanning(parse):
Is the parse tree a valid spanning tree?
spanning : bool
True if a valid spanning tree.
d = {}
for m, h in enumerate(parse):
if m == h:
return False
d.setdefault(h, [])
stack = [0]
seen = set()
while stack:
cur = stack[0]
if cur in seen:
return False
stack = d.get(cur, []) + stack[1:]
if len(seen) != len(parse) - len([1 for p in parse if p is None]):
return False
return True

def _is_multi_root(parse):
root_count = 0
for m, h in enumerate(parse):
if h == 0:
root_count += 1
return root_count > 1

def _is_projective(parse):
Is the parse tree projective?
projective : bool
True if a projective tree.
for m, h in enumerate(parse):
for m2, h2 in enumerate(parse):
if m2 == m:
if m < h:
if (
m < m2 < h < h2
or m < h2 < h < m2
or m2 < m < h2 < h
or h2 < m < m2 < h
return False
if h < m:
if (
h < m2 < m < h2
or h < h2 < m < m2
or m2 < h < h2 < m
or h2 < h < m2 < m
return False
return True

class CKY_CRFTest:
def __init__(self, semiring=LogSemiring):
self.semiring = semiring

# For testing
def enumerate(self, scores):
semiring = self.semiring
batch, N, _, NT = scores.shape

def enumerate(x, start, end):
if start + 1 == end:
yield (scores[:, start, start, x], [(start, x)])
for w in range(start + 1, end):
for y in range(NT):
for z in range(NT):
for m1, y1 in enumerate(y, start, w):
for m2, z1 in enumerate(z, w, end):
yield (
m1, m2, scores[:, start, end - 1, x]
[(x, start, w, end)] + y1 + z1,

ls = []
for nt in range(NT):
ls += [s for s, _ in enumerate(nt, 0, N)]

return semiring.sum(torch.stack(ls, dim=-1)), None

def _rand():
batch = torch.randint(2, 5, (1,))
N = torch.randint(2, 5, (1,))
NT = torch.randint(2, 5, (1,))
scores = torch.rand(batch, N, N, NT)
return scores, (batch.item(), N.item())

class CKYTest:
def __init__(self, semiring=LogSemiring):
self.semiring = semiring

def enumerate(self, scores):
terms, rules, roots = scores
semiring = self.semiring
batch, N, T = terms.shape
_, NT, _, _ = rules.shape

def enumerate(x, start, end):
if start + 1 == end:
yield (terms[:, start, x - NT], [(start, x - NT)])
for w in range(start + 1, end):
for y in range(NT) if w != start + 1 else range(NT, NT + T):
for z in range(NT) if w != end - 1 else range(NT, NT + T):
for m1, y1 in enumerate(y, start, w):
for m2, z1 in enumerate(z, w, end):
yield (
semiring.times(m1, m2), rules[:, x, y, z]
[(x, start, w, end)] + y1 + z1,

ls = []
for nt in range(NT):
ls += [semiring.times(s, roots[:, nt]) for s, _ in enumerate(nt, 0, N)]
return semiring.sum(torch.stack(ls, dim=-1)), None

def _rand():
batch = torch.randint(2, 5, (1,))
N = torch.randint(2, 5, (1,))
NT = torch.randint(2, 5, (1,))
T = torch.randint(2, 5, (1,))
terms = torch.rand(batch, N, T)
rules = torch.rand(batch, NT, (NT + T), (NT + T))
roots = torch.rand(batch, NT)
return (terms, rules, roots), (batch.item(), N.item())

class AlignmentTest:
def __init__(self, semiring=LogSemiring):
self.semiring = semiring

def _rand(min_n=2):
b = torch.randint(2, 4, (1,))
N = torch.randint(min_n, 4, (1,))
M = torch.randint(min_n, 4, (1,))
N = torch.min(M, N)
return torch.rand(b, N, M, 3), (b.item(), (N).item())

def enumerate(self, edge, lengths=None):
semiring = self.semiring
edge, batch, N, M, lengths = self._check_potentials(edge, lengths)
d = {}
d[0, 0] = [([(0, 0)], edge[:, :, 0, 0, 1])]
# enum_lengths = torch.LongTensor(lengths.shape)
for i in range(N):
for j in range(M):
d.setdefault((i + 1, j + 1), [])
d.setdefault((i, j + 1), [])
d.setdefault((i + 1, j), [])
for chain, score in d[i, j]:
if i + 1 < N and j + 1 < M:
d[i + 1, j + 1].append(
chain + [(i + 1, j + 1)],
semiring.mul(score, edge[:, :, i + 1, j + 1, 1]),
if i + 1 < N:

d[i + 1, j].append(
chain + [(i + 1, j)],
semiring.mul(score, edge[:, :, i + 1, j, 2]),
if j + 1 < M:
d[i, j + 1].append(
chain + [(i, j + 1)],
semiring.mul(score, edge[:, :, i, j + 1, 0]),
all_val = torch.stack([x[1] for x in d[N - 1, M - 1]], dim=-1)
return semiring.unconvert(semiring.sum(all_val)), None

test_lookup = {
torch_struct.LinearChain: LinearChainTest,
torch_struct.SemiMarkov: SemiMarkovTest,
torch_struct.DepTree: DepTreeTest,
torch_struct.CKY_CRF: CKY_CRFTest,
torch_struct.CKY: CKYTest,
torch_struct.Alignment: AlignmentTest,

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