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Official implementation of "MaxK-GNN: Extremely Fast GPU Kernel Design for Accelerating Graph Neural Networks Training"

Please cite our paper if you use the code ✔

  title={MaxK-GNN: Extremely Fast GPU Kernel Design for Accelerating Graph Neural Networks Training},
  author={Peng, Hongwu and Xie, Xi and Shivdikar, Kaustubh and Hasan, MD and Zhao, Jiahui and Huang, Shaoyi and Khan, Omer and Kaeli, David and Ding, Caiwen},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems},

Framework design of MaxK-GNN

This work proposed MaxK-GNN, an acceleration framework that integrates the maxk nonlinearity function into the GNN workflow. The innovation encompasses a coalescing enhanced forward computation featuring row-wise product-based Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication (SpGEMM) Kernel utilizing CBSR for input feature matrix fetching. Moreover, strategic placement of a sparse output accumulation buffer in shared memory has been employed to further the efficiency. Building upon this, an optimized backward computation was developed, characterized by an outer product-based and Sampled Sparse Matrix Dense Matrix Multiplication (SSpMM) Kernel, effectively advancing the capabilities of the established system.

maxk_forward maxk_backward

Get started



  • CPU with x86_64 architecture, host memory >= 128GB. (Tested on AMD EPYC 7543 Processor with 2.0 TB host memory).
  • Nvidia GPU with compute capability greater than or equal to 8.0, device memory higher than 48GB (Tested on A100 80GB.)
  • Disk Space: 100 GB

System version Used

  • Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)
  • CUDA toolkit == 12.1
  • GCC == 9.4 or later (to support the C++17 standard)
  • cmake == 3.5 or later

Conda Environment

Please use following commands to build conda environment.

conda create -n maxkgnn python=3.9
conda activate maxkgnn
conda install pytorch==2.1.0 torchvision==0.16.0 torchaudio==2.1.0 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install -c dglteam/label/cu121 dgl
pip install pandas==2.2.0
pip install tensorboardX==
pip install ogb==1.3.6
pip install matplotlib==3.8.2

Kernel Compilation and Benchmark

The following kernels are benchmarked here: The implementation of our MaxK-GNN's forward SpGEMM kernel design. The implementation of our MaxK-GNN's backward SSpMM kernel design. The SPMM kernel of GNNAdvisor. The cuSPARSE SPMM functionality.

Go to ./kernels directory:

cd ./kernels

Download dataset

Our benchmark dataset contains 24 graphs: benchmark graphs

It can be downloaded from , or you can use the following command:

wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate '' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1rSrxfZcdhjlMsJNXwUUWCaqytX4aUHWc" -O maxk_graphs.tar.gz && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt

Place the downloaded file in current directory, then unzip it.

tar xzvf maxk_graphs.tar.gz

Generate the meta-data for the SpGEMM and SSpMM kernels.


Benchmark the SpGEMM and SSpMM kernels

First, do the compilation:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j10

After compilation, an executable file named maxk_kernel_test is generated.

Benchmark the SpGEMM and SSpMM kernels on a specified graph:

./maxk_kernel_test reddit.dgl

If no parameters are attached, it will execute a traversal-style benchmark for all graphs:


You can use the tee command to save command-line output to a file:

./maxk_kernel_test | tee result.txt

Benchmark the Maxk kernel

To run the benchmark for the Maxk kernel, a re-compilation is needed. Go back to ./kernels directory, then change the following line in CMakeLists.txt :




Then, re-do the compilation:

cd build
cmake ..
make -j10

After compilation, you can run maxk_kernel_test to benchmark the Maxk kernel.


Speedups over other SPMM kernels

For graphs with average degrees greater than 50, the average speedup of the SSpMM kernel at $k=8, 16, 32, 64$ is $6.93\times$, $5.39\times$, $2.55\times$, $1.46\times$ respectively, as compared to the cuSPARSE and $9.57\times$, $7.46\times$, $3.55\times$, $2.04\times$, respectively, as compared to the GNNAdvisor.


MaxK-GNN Training Pipeline

Go back to the project root:

cd ../../

Run the ReLU Baseline Training:

export dataset=reddit
export model=sage
export gpu=0
export seed=97
bash scripts_train/${dataset} ${model} ${gpu} ${seed}
  • In the scripts, dataset can be chosen between [flickr, ogbn_products, ogbn_proteins, reddit, yelp].
  • model can be chosen between [sage, gcn, gin].
  • You can change gpu and seed to run multiple experiment and conduct average on final obtained accuracy.
  • Experiment result and logging can be found in experiment/${dataset}_seed${seed}/${model}_relu

Run the MaxK-GNN Training:

export dataset=reddit
export model=sage
export k=32
export gpu=0
export seed=97
bash scripts_train/${dataset} ${k} ${seed} ${gpu} ${model}  
  • In the scripts, dataset can be chosen between [flickr, ogbn_products, ogbn_proteins, reddit, yelp].
  • model can be chosen between [sage, gcn, gin].
  • You can change k value between [2, 4, 8. 16, 32, 64, 96, 128] to run MaxK-GNN training experiment with different MaxK value.
  • You can change gpu and seed to run multiple experiment and conduct average on final obtained accuracy.
  • Experiment result and logging can be found in experiment/${dataset}_seed${seed}/${model}_max${k}

Speedups & Accuracy Evaluation



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