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Hasan Harman edited this page Oct 24, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the eeeWeb wiki!

Horayy ! This is a Angular Project. You should install some packages first included npm.

  1. Download node.js
  2. npm install -g @angular/cli
  3. git clone "url"

Then I suggest another "npm install" command in the file you cloned eeeWeb.

  1. Now you reached the codes :)

After you helped us with your codes.

  1. git add *
  2. git commit -m "detailed comments" // It is important for us to understand your work
  3. git branch YourName
  4. git push origin YourName

We'll immediately review your work and If it does not contain any bug. We accept and you will be our collab. :)

Clone this wiki locally