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ADE key extractor rust

DeDRM's Adobe (2.5) key extractor re-written in rust, with the goal being to not require anything else installed to extract the key.


This Project was created as a test to see if i could convert the Python Script to a rust project, because i couldnt install to install python 3 in wine (which since i have found the reason why) and in python 2 wouldnt let me install pycrypto.


Nothing extra than a base linux system (at least when running, not building)


To use this project 2 things are required:

  • The Linux binary (ade-extract-key)
  • The Windows binary (ade-extract-winapi-bin.exe)

The following expects Adobe Digital Editions (2.5) to already be set-up and authorized:

# Execute the program

# If successful, the key should be in
cat ./ade_key.der

Or if ade-extract-key is not successfull but still printed 3 values, then ade-extract-winapi-bin.exe can be run separately to transform the key, and then requires another run of ade-extract-key to get the final key.

# Execute the program
# May fail, the printed information can be used
Entropy (hex): "some_entropy_hex"
Device-Key (hex): "some_device_hex"
Adept-Key (base64): "some_adept_base64"

# Manually call the winapi-bin with the information
# this program only prints the final key, not saved to disk
wine ./ade-extract-winapi-bin.exe "some_entropy_hex" "some_device_hex"
decrypted "some_decrypted_key"

# Run the binary again, but only the last step to get the actual key
./ade-extract-key aes "some_decrypted_key" "some_adept_base64"

# If successful, the key should be in
cat ./ade_key.der


Building this project requires both the linux target and a windows target:

# Add linux target
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
# Add windows target
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

# Install xwin, to manage msvc install
cargo install xwin

# Run xwin to install msvc
xwin --accept-license splat --output ./.xwin

# Compile the project for linux
cargo build
# Compile the windows binary
cargo build --target=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc --bin ade-extract-winapi-bin

# Copy output files into a out directory
mkdir ./final-bin
cp ./target/debug/ade-extract-key ./final-bin/
cp ./target/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/debug/ade-extract-winapi-bin.exe ./final-bin

For usage of the final binaries (in ./final-bin), see Usage.

Known Issues

Wine does not let the windows binary run

If wine crashed with the following error, and the script / binary is located on a ihc filesystem, try again on a different filesystem, see this wine bug

wine: Unhandled page fault ...

Working on this Project

This project requires:

  • NodeJS with yarn installed (when working on an main branch)
  • Rust install with rustfmt & clippy (nightly version of mentioned components), see and