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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 16, 2020. It is now read-only.


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Source code and templates for the website To run this as a test server, simply use:


You will need the Flask framework and some extensions. To install:

easy_install Flask Flask-SQLAlchemy Flask-WTF Flask-Mail simplejson pytz Markdown pygooglechart

Installing into a virtualenv is strongly recommended.


BSD and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. See LICENSE.txt.


These are older instructions for the DocType HTML5 website, but should still apply.

The website is currently hosted at Dreamhost using the Passenger WSGI gateway. To reproduce this setup, create a domain using the Dreamhost panel, then setup the Python environment:

mkdir -p ~/python/lib/python2.5/site-packages
PYTHONPATH=~/python/lib/python2.5/site-packages easy_install --prefix ~/python virtualenv
PYTHONPATH=~/python/lib/python2.5/site-packages ~/python/bin/virtualenv ~/python/env --no-site-packages
source ~/python/env/bin/activate
easy_install Flask Flask-SQLAlchemy Flask-WTF Flask-Mail simplejson pytz mysql-python greatape Markdown pygooglechart

This creates a virtualenv in ~/python/env, activates it, then installs Flask and extensions in the virtualenv. Dreamhost does not have virtualenv pre-installed, so it is necessary to install it first. Dreamhost does not support mod_wsgi either, which would have made all this much simpler.

If your site is located at (for example) ~/, install the source files there. Do not install in the public sub-folder. Dreamhost will automatically pick up and start serving the site.

To refresh after updating, you must edit the site via the control panel and click 'Save' again.

Why use a framework?

The website is currently a single HTML page, so why use a framework at all? Because there is also a sizeable backend that sends email and tracks responses from participants. This is not exposed to the UI, but you can see it here in the code.