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A small addon library for Bootstrap.

This library provides some extra utility styles and Javascript fixups.


Run the following in a Linux shell:

# cd to/where/your/project/is
mkdir lib
git submodule add lib/shoelace

Now add the following to your main HTML page somewhere after the Bootstrap section:

<!-- Shoelace -->
<link href="/lib/shoelace/shoelace.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<script src="/lib/shoelace/shoelace.js"></script>

... and you're done!

Shoelace will automatically apply itself when the page loads. If you use AJAX elements and wish to reinvoke Shoelace's behaviour just do:



Style fixes

A collection of various useful CSS classes in the bootstrap style.

Class Description Example
pull-center Center elements dynamicly
<div class="pull-center">This element is centered within the parent</div>
pull-reset Sets the text alignment on this and all child elements back to the left
<div class="pull-left">This element is left aligned within the parent</div>
pull-vcenter Center elements vertically within a parent
<div class="pull-vcenter">
	This element is vertically centered
	within a block parent
pad, pad-small, pad-large, pad-huge Change the padding of an element
<div class="pad">This element has some padding
<div class="pad-right pad-left">This element has some padding on the right and left
<div class="pad-huge">This element has a huge amount of padding</div>
<div class="pad-huge-top">This element has a huge amount of padding (but only at the top)</div>
font-tiny, font-small, font-medium, font-large, font-huge Change the font size within an element
<div class="font-medium">This element has a normal sized font</div>
<div class="font-huge">This element has a huge font</div>
input-stretch Stretch an input box to 100% of the width of the parent
<input class="input-stretch"/>
no-wrap Keep all text on one line
<span class="no-wrap">A very long line</>

Tooltips / data-tip

Apply a tooltip to an item without having to call $(selector).tooltip() For various weird reasons 'data-tooltip' cant be used so 'data-tip' will have to suffice.

<a href="#" data-tip="Tooltip to display on hover"></a>

Additional parameters:

  • data-tip-placement - Set the tooltip position

Prefixing / Suffixing input boxes

Apply a read-only prefix or suffix to input boxes using the Bootstrap input-prepend and input-append styles.

<input data-prefix="$" data-suffix=".00" value="10"/>

The above example will draw a standard input box with a sexy '$' prefix to denote money and the suffix '.00'.

Adding inline help or block help to input boxes

Similar to the above section on prefixing & suffixing, a simple data- tag can be added to input boxes to automatically add inline or block help eleements.

<input data-help-inline="required" value="Hello World"/>

Adds 'required' horizontally after the input box.

<input data-help-block="required" value="Hello World"/>

Adds 'required' in a block below the input box.

Focusing inputs

To automaticly focus an element simply add 'data-focus' to its attributes like so:

<input data-focus="1" value="Hello World"/>

Note that only the first element will be focused.

If the element is inside a modal Shoelace will automatically focus that item when the modal becomes visible.

Selecting tabs

To select a tab you can set the data-selected property of the nav element:

<div class="tabbable">
	<ul class="nav nav-tabs" data-selected="tab-1">
		<li><a href="#tab-1" data-toggle="tab">Tab 1</a></li>
		<li><a href="#tab-2" data-toggle="tab">Tab 2</a></li>
	<div class="tab-content">
		<div class="tab-pane" id="tab-1">Tab 1 content</div>
		<div class="tab-pane" id="tab-2">Tab 2 content</div>

Alternately setting the property to 'auto' will select either the first tab OR the tab denoted by the document location. e.g. if the document url is http://localhost/page.html#tab-2 'tab-2' will be selected in this case.

Selecting items by the URL

To select an item based on the page URL you can attach the data-selectbyurl attribute to the parent item. The a hrefs will then be scanned and the best candidate set as active.

<div data-selectbyurl="li">
		<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
		<li><a href="/foo">Foo</a></li>
		<li><a href="/bar">Bar</a></li>
		<li><a href="/baz">Baz</a></li>
		<li><a href="/baz/one">Baz Item 1</a></li>
		<li><a href="/baz/two">Baz Item 2</a></li>
		<li><a href="/baz/three">Baz Item 3</a></li>

In the above scenario the parent li item will be selected if the page URL is /, /foo, /bar and so on.

Addtional parameters:

Parameter Default Description
data-selectbyurl-rough 0 Specifies that 'extra rough' matching should be enabled. Use this option if your tabs only return the first section of the URL of the current page

Confirming clicks

Prompts the user with a message before allowing a link click to pass though to the normal event handler.

<a href="/somewhere/dangerous" data-confirm="Are you sure you want to go there?">Go somewhere dangerous</a>

FIX: Dropdowns clipping within parent divs

Sometimes dropdowns can clip if they are positioned at the very bottom of a parent item where overflow: hidden is present. Applying the dropdown-fix-clipping style fixes this by rebinding the button that opens the dropdown by a set ID and moving the dropdown into the root body element. This means its placed at the top of the z-order stack and shouldn't overlap any other element on screen. .

<a class="btn btn-success dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#"> Open dropdown <span class="caret"></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-fix-clipping">
	<li><a href="#">Item foo</li>
	<li><a href="#">Item bar</li>
	<li><a href="#">Item baz</li>