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@hasherezade edited this page Apr 16, 2018 · 10 revisions


WARNING: Commander is very basic tool, used only for the purpose of testing the library capabilities.
It's not a fully functional tool - or at least not yet!

Type [whatever] to see all commands, i.e

$ ?
No such command
Available commands: 17
Rv 	- Convert: RAW -> RVA
Vr 	- Convert: RVA -> RAW
cR 	- Fetch content by Raw address
cV 	- Fetch content by Virtual address
cl 	- Clear chosen wrapper
winfo 	- Print chosen wrapper info
einfo 	- Print wrapper entries
fdump 	- Dump chosen wrapper into a file
hR 	- Fetch content by Raw address - HEX
hV 	- Fetch content by Virtual address - HEX
info 	- Exe Info
q 	- Quit
rs 	- Resource Info
rsrcs 	- List Resource Types
rstrings 	- Print Strings from resources
secR 	- Section by RAW
secV 	- Section by RVA

Sample usage:

hshrzd@kali:~/re-bear/build$ ./commander/bearcommander
Path to executable: /home/hshrzd/vm_shared/corkami_samples/exe/cfbogus.exe
Type: PE
Parsing executable...
$ info
Bit mode: 	32
Entry point: 	0x1000v
Raw size: 	0x400
Virtual size: 	0x2000
Raw align.: 	0x200
Virtual align.:	0x1000
[ 0] DOS Hdr
[ 1] File Hdr
[ 2] Optional Hdr
[ 3] Data Directory
[ 4] Section Hdrs
[ 5] Imports
[12] LdConfig

Use winfo command to see the details of particular structure,

$ winfo 
[ 0] DOS Hdr
[ 1] File Hdr
[ 2] Optional Hdr
[ 3] Data Directory
[ 4] Section Hdrs
[ 5] Imports
[12] LdConfig
wrapperNum: 12
	[LdConfig] size: 0x5c fieldsCount: 25

[0250] Size :	[0000005C _] 
[0254] TimeDateStamp :	[00000000 _] 
[0258] MajorVersion :	[0000 _] 
[025A] MinorVersion :	[0000 _] 
[025C] GlobalFlagsClear :	[00000000 _] 
[0260] GlobalFlagsSet :	[00000000 _] 
[0264] CriticalSectionDefaultTimeout :	[00000000 _] 
[0268] DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold :	[00000000 _] 
[026C] DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold :	[00000000 _] 
[0270] LockPrefixTable :	[00000000 V] 
[0274] MaximumAllocationSize :	[00000000 _] 
[0278] VirtualMemoryThreshold :	[00000000 _] 
[027C] ProcessHeapFlags :	[00000000 _] 
[0280] ProcessAffinityMask :	[00000000 _] 
[0284] CSDVersion :	[0000 _] 
[0286] Reserved :	[0000 _] 
[0288] EditList :	[00000000 V] 
[028C] SecurityCookie :	[004010AC V] 
[0290] SEHandlerTable :	[00000000 V] 
[0294] SEHandlerCount :	[00000000 _] 
[0298] GuardCFCheckFunctionPtr :	[004010B4 V] 
[029C] Reserved2 :	[00000000 _] 
[02A0] GuardCFFunctionTable :	[004010B9 V] 
[02A4] GuardCFFunctionCount :	[00000006 _] 
[02A8] GuardFlags :	[00000500 _]

As you see, values are displayed with some character at the end, like: V, v, r, _
i. e.

[028C] SecurityCookie : [004010AC V] 

Here is the explanation:

V - Virtual Address (VA)
v - Relative Virtual Address (RVA)
r - Raw Offset
_ - not an offset (none of the above)

Some wrappers have subentries, you can dump them using einfo

$ einfo
[ 0] DOS Hdr
[ 1] File Hdr
[ 2] Optional Hdr
[ 3] Data Directory
[ 4] Section Hdrs
[ 5] Imports
[12] LdConfig
wrapperNum: 5
	[Imports] size: 0x3c fieldsCount: 2

[02D5] kernel32.dll :	[00001120 _] [00000000 _] [00000000 _] [00001180 _] [00001160 _] 
[02E9] msvcrt.dll :	[00001128 _] [00000000 _] [00000000 _] [0000118D _] [00001168 _] 
Dump subentries of Index: 1
	[msvcrt.dll] size: 0x14 fieldsCount: 5

[02E9] OriginalFirstThunk :	[00001128 v] 
[02ED] TimeDateStamp :	[00000000 _] 
[02F1] Forwarder :	[00000000 _] 
[02F5] NameRVA :	[0000118D v] 
[02F9] FirstThunk :	[00001168 v] 
	[msvcrt.dll] entriesCount: 1

Entry 0:
	[[msvcrt.dll].printf] size: 0x4 fieldsCount: 4

[0328] Original Thunk :	[0000114E v] 
[0368] Thunk :	[0000114E v] 
[034E] Hint :	[0000 _] 

Preview at chosen offset:

$ hR
raw: 0
4d 5a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 50 45 00 00 4c 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 00 20 10 b0 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
$ cR
raw: 0

Some PE files comes with resources*, and then you can dump them like this:
*(WARNING: not all the types are supported yet)

$ rs  
[  1]	Cursor
[  2]	Bitmap
[  3]	Icon
[  4]	Menu
[  5]	Dialog
[  6]	Strings
[  9]	Accelerator
[ 12]	Cursors Group
[ 14]	Icons Group
[ 16]	Version
[ 24]	Manifest
wrapper type: 16
Found in Resources: 18, wrappers: 1
	[Version] size: 0x5e fieldsCount: 18

[98130] Length of Structure :	[0374 _] 
[98132] Length of Value :	[0034 _] 
[98134] Type of Structure :	[0000 _] 
[98136] Info :	[VS_VERSION_INFO _] 
[98158] Signature :	[FEEF04BD _] 
[9815C] Struct. Version :	[00010000 _] 
[98160] File Version :	[000B0032 _] 
[98164] File Version :	[00000000 _] 
[98168] Product Version :	[000B0032 _] 
[9816C] Product Version :	[00000000 _] 
[98170] File Flags mask :	[0000003F _] 
[98174] Flags :	[00000000 _] 
[98178] File OS :	[00040004 _] 
[9817C] File Type :	[00000001 _] 
[98180] File SubType :	[00000000 _] 
[98184] File Timestamp :	[00000000 _] 
[98188] File Timestamp :	[00000000 _] 
[9818C] Children :	[02D4 _] 

Strings from Resources can be listed all together like this:

$ rstrings
Total: 6
[   9798e] [26] Refresh (F5)
[   979aa] [10] Jump
[   979ca] [28] Find (Ctrl+F)
[   97a02] [22] Properties
[   97a18] [32] Delete (Ctrl+D)
[   97a3c] [28] Save (Ctrl+S)
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