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File metadata and controls

46 lines (36 loc) · 12.3 KB



Get all the information about an account, including the balance. This does not get the list of account records.

Field Type Description
header QueryHeader Standard info sent from client to node, including the signed payment, and what kind of response is requested (cost, state proof, both, or neither).
accountID AccountID The account ID for which information is requested


Response when the client sends the node CryptoGetInfoQuery

Field Type Description
header ResponseHeader Standard response from node to client, including the requested fields: cost, or state proof, or both, or neither


Response when the client sends the node CryptoGetInfoQuery

Field Type Description
accountID AccountID The account ID for which this information applies
contractAccountID string The Contract Account ID comprising of both the contract instance and the cryptocurrency account owned by the contract instance, in the format used by Solidity
deleted bool If true, then this account has been deleted, it will disappear when it expires, and all transactions for it will fail except the transaction to extend its expiration date
proxyAccountID AccountID The Account ID of the account to which this is proxy staked. If proxyAccountID is null, or is an invalid account, or is an account that isn't a node, then this account is automatically proxy staked to a node chosen by the network, but without earning payments. If the proxyAccountID account refuses to accept proxy staking , or if it is not currently running a node, then it will behave as if proxyAccountID was null.
proxyReceived int64 The total number of tinybars proxy staked to this account
key Key The key for the account, which must sign in order to transfer out, or to modify the account in any way other than extending its expiration date.
balance uint64 The current balance of account in tinybars
generateSendRecordThreshold uint64 [Deprecated v0.8.0] The threshold amount (in tinybars) for which an account record is created (and this account charged for them) for any send/withdraw transaction.
generateReceiveRecordThreshold uint64 [Deprecated v0.8.0] The threshold amount (in tinybars) for which an account record is created (and this account charged for them) for any transaction above this amount.
receiverSigRequired If true, no transaction can transfer to this account unless signed by this account's key
expirationTime Timestamp The TimeStamp time at which this account is set to expire
autoRenewPeriod Duration The duration for expiration time will extend every this many seconds. If there are insufficient funds, then it extends as long as possible. If it is empty when it expires, then it is deleted.
liveHashes Claim All of the livehashes attached to the account (each of which is a hash along with the keys that authorized it and can delete it )
tokenRelationships TokenRelationship All tokens related to this account
memo string The memo associated with the account
ownedNfts int64 The number of NFTs owned by this account
max_automatic_token_associations int32 The maximum number of tokens that an Account can be implicitly associated with
alias bytes The alias of this account
ledger_id bytes The ledger ID the response was returned from; please see HIP-198 for the network-specific IDs.