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Upgrading to CDKTF Version 0.10
We changed how lists of computed attributes work to allow referencing the whole list

Upgrading to CDK for Terraform Version 0.10

0.10 includes improvements to the provider code bindings, to allow referencing lists of computed attributes as a whole list instead of just individual items of that list. We also shipped a lot of CLI improvements in 0.10, including support for multiple stacks in cdktf deploy, cdktf output, and cdktf destroy.

Remove cdktf synth --json Option

PR: #1640

If you are using cdktf synth --json <stack-name> to get the synthesized JSON configuration for your Stack, you will now need to run cdktf synth && cat ./cdktf.out/stacks/<stack-name>/ instead. The ./cdktf.out part is your output directory (set by cdktf.json or via the --output flag).

Model ComplexComputedLists as ComplexLists and ComputedObjects

PR: #1499

In an effort to streamline the interfaces of resources, computed attributes of the type list and set are now modeled as a separate ComplexList type instead of being a method that directly takes an index and returns an item. This change also did change the type of the index from string to number.


// previously
const firstItemId = resource.listAttribute("0").id;

// new
const firstItemId = resource.listAttribute.get(0).id;
const firstItem = resource.listAttribute.get(0); // now possible


# previously
first_item_id = resource.list_attribute("0").id;

# new
first_item_id = resource.list_attribute.get(0).id;
first_item = resource.list_attribute.get(0); # now possible


// previously
string firstItemId = resource.ListAttribute("0").Id;

// new
string firstItemId = resource.ListAttribute.Get(0).Id;
ListAttributeItem firstItem = resource.ListAttribute.Get(0); // now possible


// previously
String firstItemId = resource.listAttribute("0").getId();

// new
String firstItemId = resource.getListAttribute().get(0).getId();
ListAttributeItem firstItem = resource.getListAttribute().get(0); // now possible


// previously
firstItemId := resource.ListAttribute(jsii.String("0")).Id();

// new
firstItemId := resource.ListAttribute().Get(jsii.Number(0)).Id();
firstItem := resource.ListAttribute().Get(jsii.Number(0)); // now possible

Referencing computed string map entries via function call

PR: #1630

In preparation for a similar change as to the computed lists, string map entries can now be accessed via a function call instead of using Fn.lookup. Accessing the whole map at once now requires a different function call in the meantime.


const bucket = new s3.S3Bucket(this, "bucket");

// previously
const firstRuleStage = Fn.lookup(
const firstRuleTags = bucket.lifecycleRule("0").tags;

// new
const firstRuleStage = bucket.lifecycleRule.get(0).tags("stage"); // tags is now a function
const firstRuleTags = bucket.lifecycleRule
  .interpolationForAttribute("tags"); // will be improved in a future iteration