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Azure Resource Manager: azurerm_kubernetes_flux_configuration
Manages a Kubernetes Flux Configuration.


Manages a Kubernetes Flux Configuration.

Example Usage

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "example" {
  name     = "example-resources"
  location = "West Europe"

resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "example" {
  name                = "example-aks"
  location            = "West Europe"
  resource_group_name =
  dns_prefix          = "example-aks"

  default_node_pool {
    name       = "default"
    node_count = 1
    vm_size    = "Standard_DS2_v2"

  identity {
    type = "SystemAssigned"

resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_extension" "example" {
  name           = "example-ext"
  cluster_id     =
  extension_type = "microsoft.flux"

resource "azurerm_kubernetes_flux_configuration" "example" {
  name       = "example-fc"
  cluster_id =
  namespace  = "flux"

  git_repository {
    url             = ""
    reference_type  = "branch"
    reference_value = "main"

  kustomizations {
    name = "kustomization-1"

  depends_on = [

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) Specifies the name which should be used for this Kubernetes Flux Configuration. Changing this forces a new Kubernetes Flux Configuration to be created.

  • cluster_id - (Required) Specifies the Cluster ID. Changing this forces a new Kubernetes Cluster Extension to be created.

  • kustomizations - (Required) A kustomizations block as defined below.

  • namespace - (Required) Specifies the namespace to which this configuration is installed to. Changing this forces a new Kubernetes Flux Configuration to be created.

  • blob_storage - (Optional) An blob_storage block as defined below.

  • bucket - (Optional) A bucket block as defined below.

  • git_repository - (Optional) A git_repository block as defined below.

  • scope - (Optional) Specifies the scope at which the operator will be installed. Possible values are cluster and namespace. Defaults to namespace. Changing this forces a new Kubernetes Flux Configuration to be created.

  • continuous_reconciliation_enabled - (Optional) Whether the configuration will keep its reconciliation of its kustomizations and sources with the repository. Defaults to true.

A kustomizations block supports the following:

  • name - (Required) Specifies the name of the kustomization.

  • path - (Optional) Specifies the path in the source reference to reconcile on the cluster.

  • timeout_in_seconds - (Optional) The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the kustomization on the cluster. Defaults to 600.

  • sync_interval_in_seconds - (Optional) The interval at which to re-reconcile the kustomization on the cluster. Defaults to 600.

  • retry_interval_in_seconds - (Optional) The interval at which to re-reconcile the kustomization on the cluster in the event of failure on reconciliation. Defaults to 600.

  • recreating_enabled - (Optional) Whether re-creating Kubernetes resources on the cluster is enabled when patching fails due to an immutable field change. Defaults to false.

  • garbage_collection_enabled - (Optional) Whether garbage collections of Kubernetes objects created by this kustomization is enabled. Defaults to false.

  • depends_on - (Optional) Specifies other kustomizations that this kustomization depends on. This kustomization will not reconcile until all dependencies have completed their reconciliation.

An blob_storage block supports the following:

  • container_id - (Required) Specifies the Azure Blob container ID.

  • account_key - (Optional) Specifies the account key (shared key) to access the storage account.

  • local_auth_reference - (Optional) Specifies the name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.

  • managed_identity - (Optional) A managed_identity block as defined below.

  • sas_token - (Optional) Specifies the shared access token to access the storage container.

  • service_principal - (Optional) A service_principal block as defined below.

  • sync_interval_in_seconds - (Optional) Specifies the interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.

  • timeout_in_seconds - (Optional) Specifies the maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.

A managed_identity block supports the following:

  • client_id - (Required) Specifies the client ID for authenticating a Managed Identity.

A service_principal block supports the following:

  • client_id - (Required) Specifies the client ID for authenticating a Service Principal.

  • tenant_id - (Required) Specifies the tenant ID for authenticating a Service Principal.

  • client_certificate_base64 - (Optional) Base64-encoded certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal .

  • client_certificate_password - (Optional) Specifies the password for the certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal .

  • client_certificate_send_chain - (Optional) Specifies whether to include x5c header in client claims when acquiring a token to enable subject name / issuer based authentication for the client certificate.

  • client_secret - (Optional) Specifies the client secret for authenticating a Service Principal.

A bucket block supports the following:

  • bucket_name - (Required) Specifies the bucket name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.

  • url - (Required) Specifies the URL to sync for the flux configuration S3 bucket. It must start with http:// or https://.

  • access_key - (Optional) Specifies the plaintext access key used to securely access the S3 bucket.

  • secret_key_base64 - (Optional) Specifies the Base64-encoded secret key used to authenticate with the bucket source.

  • tls_enabled - (Optional) Specify whether to communicate with a bucket using TLS is enabled. Defaults to true.

  • local_auth_reference - (Optional) Specifies the name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets. It must be between 1 and 63 characters. It can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens (-). It must start and end with a lowercase letter or number.

  • sync_interval_in_seconds - (Optional) Specifies the interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote. Defaults to 600.

  • timeout_in_seconds - (Optional) Specifies the maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote. Defaults to 600.

A git_repository block supports the following:

  • url - (Required) Specifies the URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository. It must start with http://, https://, git@ or ssh://.

  • reference_type - (Required) Specifies the source reference type for the GitRepository object. Possible values are branch, commit, semver and tag.

  • reference_value - (Required) Specifies the source reference value for the GitRepository object.

  • https_ca_cert_base64 - (Optional) Specifies the Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS.

  • https_user - (Optional) Specifies the plaintext HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS.

  • https_key_base64 - (Optional) Specifies the Base64-encoded HTTPS personal access token or password that will be used to access the repository.

  • local_auth_reference - (Optional) Specifies the name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets. It must be between 1 and 63 characters. It can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens (-). It must start and end with a lowercase letter or number.

  • ssh_private_key_base64 - (Optional) Specifies the Base64-encoded SSH private key in PEM format.

  • ssh_known_hosts_base64 - (Optional) Specifies the Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH.

  • sync_interval_in_seconds - (Optional) Specifies the interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote. Defaults to 600.

  • timeout_in_seconds - (Optional) Specifies the maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote. Defaults to 600.

Attributes Reference

In addition to the Arguments listed above - the following Attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the Kubernetes Flux Configuration.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 30 minutes) Used when creating the Kubernetes Flux Configuration.
  • read - (Defaults to 5 minutes) Used when retrieving the Kubernetes Flux Configuration.
  • update - (Defaults to 30 minutes) Used when updating the Kubernetes Flux Configuration.
  • delete - (Defaults to 30 minutes) Used when deleting the Kubernetes Flux Configuration.


Kubernetes Flux Configuration can be imported using the resource id for different cluster_resource_name, e.g.

terraform import azurerm_kubernetes_flux_configuration.example /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/resourceGroup1/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/cluster1/providers/Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations/fluxConfiguration1