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* docs: add openldap secret engine

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jasonodonnell committed Feb 21, 2020
1 parent 2113455 commit 2715f5c
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions website/data/api-navigation.js
Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ export default [
{ category: 'nomad' },
{ category: 'openldap' },
{ category: 'pki' },
{ category: 'rabbitmq' },
{ category: 'ssh' },
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions website/data/docs-navigation.js
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{ category: 'identity' },
{ category: 'mongodbatlas' },
{ category: 'nomad' },
{ category: 'openldap' },
{ category: 'pki' },
{ category: 'rabbitmq' },
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217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions website/pages/api-docs/secret/openldap/index.mdx
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layout: api
page_title: OpenLDAP - Secrets Engines - HTTP API
sidebar_title: OpenLDAP
description: This is the API documentation for the Vault OpenLDAP secrets engine.

# OpenLDAP Secrets Engine (API)

This is the API documentation for the Vault OpenLDAP secrets engine. For general
information about the usage and operation of
the OpenLDAP secrets engine, please see [these docs](/docs/secrets/openldap).

This documentation assumes the OpenLDAP secrets engine is enabled at the `/openldap` path
in Vault. Since it is possible to mount secrets engines at any path, please
update your API calls accordingly.

## Configuration Management

| Method | Path |
| :----- | :----------------- |
| `POST` | `/openldap/config` |
| `GET` | `/openldap/config` |
| `DELETE` | `/openldap/config` |

This endpoint configures the OpenLDAP secret engine to managed user entries.

Note: the OpenLDAP entry used by `config` should have the neccessary privileges
to search and change entry passwords in OpenLDAP.

### Parameters

- `binddn` `(string: <required>)` - Distinguished name (DN) of object to bind for managing user entries. Example: `cn=vault,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com`
- `bindpass` `(string: <required>)` - Password to use along with `binddn` for managing user entries.
- `url` `(string: <optional>)` - The LDAP server to connect to. Examples: `ldaps://`, `ldaps://`. This can also be a comma-delineated list of URLs, e.g. `ldaps://,ldaps://`, in which case the servers will be tried in-order if there are errors during the connection process. Default is `ldap://`.
- `request_timeout` `(integer: 90, string: "90s" <optional>)` - Timeout, in seconds, for the connection when making requests against the server before returning back an error.
- `starttls` `(bool: <optional>)` - If true, issues a `StartTLS` command after establishing an unencrypted connection.
- `insecure_tls` - `(bool: <optional>)` - If true, skips LDAP server SSL certificate verification - insecure, use with caution!
- `certificate` - `(string: <optional>)` - CA certificate to use when verifying LDAP server certificate, must be x509 PEM encoded.

### Sample Payload

"binddn": "cn=vault,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",
"bindpass": "pa$$w0rd",
"url": "ldaps://"

### Sample POST Request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \

### Sample GET Request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request GET \

### Sample Response

"data": {
"binddn": "cn=admin,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",
"case_sensitive_names": false,
"certificate": "",
"insecure_tls": false,
"length": 64,
"starttls": false,
"tls_max_version": "tls12",
"tls_min_version": "tls12",
"url": "ldap://"

## Static Role Management

The `static-role` endpoint configures Vault to manage the passwords of individual OpenLDAP entries.

### Parameters

- `dn` `(string: <required>)` - Distinguished name (DN) of entry Vault should manage. Example: `cn=bob,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com`
- `rotation_period` `(string: <required>)` - How often Vault should rotate the password of the user entry, in seconds. The minimum rotation period is 5 seconds. Example: "5s", "1h".
- `username` `(string: <required>)` - The name of the user to be used when logging in. This is useful when `dn` isn't used for login purposes (such as SSH). Example: "bob".

Distinguished name (DN) of entry Vault should manage. Example: `cn=bob,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com`

| Method | Path |
| :----- | :--------------------------------- |
| `GET` | `/openldap/static-role` |
| `GET` | `/openldap/static-role/:role_name` |
| `POST` | `/openldap/static-role/:role_name` |
| `DELETE` | `/openldap/static-role/:role_name` |

### Sample Payload

"dn": "cn=hashicorp,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",
"rotation_period": "24h",
"username": "hashicorp"

### Sample POST Request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \

### Sample GET Request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request GET \

### Sample GET Response

"data": {
"dn": "uid=hashicorp,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",
"last_vault_rotation": "2020-02-19T11:31:53.7812-05:00",
"rotation_period": 86400,
"username": "hashicorp"

### Sample LIST Response

["hashicorp", "bob"]

## Static Role Passwords

The `static-cred` endpoint offers the credential information for a given static-role.

| Method | Path |
| :----- | :--------------------------------- |
| `GET` | `/openldap/static-cred/:role_name` |

### Sample Get Request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request GET \

### Sample Get Response

"dn": "uid=hashicorp,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",
"last_vault_rotation": "2020-02-19T11:31:53.7812-05:00",
"password": "LTNfyn7pS7XEZIxEYQ2sEAWic02PEP7zSvIs0xMqIjaU0ORzLhKOKVmYLxL1Xkyv",
"rotation_period": 86400,
"ttl": 86072,
"username": "hashicorp"

## Rotate Root Password

The `rotate-root` endpoint offers password rotation for the `binddn` entry used to manage OpenLDAP. This generated password will only be known to Vault and will not be retrievable once rotated.

| Method | Path |
| :----- | :---------------------- |
| `GET` | `/openldap/rotate-root` |

### Sample Get Request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request GET \

## Manually Rotate Static Role Password

The `rotate-role` endpoint offers manual rotation of static roles.

| Method | Path |
| :----- | :---------------------- |
| `GET` | `/openldap/rotate-role/:role_name` |

### Sample Get Request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request GET \
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions website/pages/docs/secrets/openldap/index.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
layout: docs
page_title: OpenLDAP - Secrets Engine
sidebar_title: OpenLDAP
description: >-
The OpenLDAP secret engine manages OpenLDAP entry passwords.

# OpenLDAP Secrets Engine

The OpenLDAP secret engine allows management of LDAP entry passwords. At this time
only existing LDAP entries are supported by this plugin.

This plugin currently supports LDAP v3.

## Quick Setup

1. Enable the OpenLDAP secret engine:

$ vault secrets enable openldap

By default, the secrets engine will mount at the name of the engine. To
enable the secrets engine at a different path, use the `-path` argument.

2. Configure the credentials that Vault uses to communicate with OpenLDAP
to generate passwords:

$ vault write openldap/config \
binddn=$USERNAME \
bindpass=$PASSWORD \

Note: it's recommended a dedicated entry management account be created specfically for Vault.

3. Rotate the root password so only Vault knows the credentials:

$ vault write -f openldap/rotate-root

Note: it's not possible to retrieve the generated password once rotated by Vault.
It's recommended a dedicated entry management account be created specfically for Vault.

3. Configure a static role that maps a name in Vault to an entry in OpenLDAP.
Password rotation settings will be managed by this role.

$ vault write openldap/static-role/hashicorp \
dn='uid=hashicorp,ou=users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com' \
username='hashicorp' \

4. Request credentials for the "hashicorp" role:

$ vault read openldap/static-role/hashicorp

## Password Rotation

Passwords can be managed in two ways:

* automatic time based rotation, and
* manual rotation.

### Auto Password Rotation

Passwords will automatically be rotated based on the `rotation_period` configured
in the static role (minimum of 5 seconds). When requesting credentials for a static
role, the response will include the time before the next rotation (`ttl`).

Auto-rotation is currently only supported for static roles. The `binddn` account used
by Vault should be rotated using the `rotate-root` endpoint to generate a password
only Vault will know.

### Manual Rotation

Static roles can be manually rotated using the `rotate-role` endpoint. When manually
rotated the rotation period will start over.

## Deleting Static Roles

Passwords are not rotated upon deletion of a static role. The password should be manually
rotated prior to deleting the role or revoking access to the static role.

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