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05 Upgrading Hashview

ccammilleri edited this page Dec 3, 2018 · 8 revisions

Upgrade to latest (0.7.4-beta)

  1. Stop all active jobs

  2. Backup your database (optional but recommended)

   mysqldump -u $USER -p --databases hashview > ~/hashview.sql
  1. Get updated code
   git pull
  1. Upgrade Ruby
   rvm install 2.4.4
   rvm use 2.4.4
  1. Update Bundler (optional)
   gem install bundler
  1. Update local gems
   bundle install
  1. Perform upgrade
   RACK_ENV=production rake db:upgrade

Upgrade Process (all other versions)

  1. Stop all active jobs

  2. Backup your database (optional but recommended)

   mysqldump -u $USER -p --databases hashview > ~/hashview.sql
  1. Get updated code
   git pull
  1. Update local gems
   bundle install
  1. Perform upgrade
   RACK_ENV=production rake db:upgrade