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cvs pulls from krasimir and ross
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* Ross
  ghcconfig.h is not needed for GHC >= 6.4
  update library links for haddock 0.7 (in Cabal.xml)

* Krasimir
  * The sentence:
    An error will be returned from <literal>setup configure</literal> if
    this is not the case.
  is replaced with:
    If this is not the case then the compiled executable will have baked
    in all absolute paths.

  * The previous implementation for Paths_<pkgid>.hs building was broken on Windows.
  The prefixRel function was expecting that all bindir/libdir/datadir/... paths
  are $prefix relative but the corresponding functions (mkBinDir/mkLibDir/...)
  was returning absolute paths with expanded $path variable. This commit fixes
  the bug and also:
     * In LocalBuildInfo are added mkLibDirRel/mkBinDirRel/... functions. They
  return the corresponding but without the $prefix part. When the path isn't
  prefix relative then they return Nothing
     * The restriction that all paths on Windows are $prefix relative is removed.
     * The code in Paths_<pkgid>.hs can contain both absolute and prefix relative
  paths. When the package is configured only with $prefix relative paths then
  the generated executable will be prefix independent and can be moved from one
  directory to another.

  * Paths_<pkg>.hs was generated before each build and this was causing GHC to
  rebuild the package each time. Now it is generated only when it is older than

  * Change the foreign import syntax to use the standard FFI syntax

  * Two changes to HADDOCK support:
      - In the last version only the exposed modules were passed to haddock.
  In order to generate proper documentation all modules should be processed
  from haddock but the non exposed modules should be hiden.
      - Added support for executable packages in Haddock.
  • Loading branch information
SyntaxPolice committed Oct 31, 2005
1 parent d12ac60 commit 1fe07f8
Show file tree
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Showing 11 changed files with 150 additions and 140 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Distribution/Compat/Directory.hs
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Distribution.Compat.Directory (
removeDirectoryRecursive, module System.Directory
) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 603
#include "config.h"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Distribution/Compat/FilePath.hs
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module Distribution.Compat.FilePath
, dllExtension
) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 603
#include "config.h"
Expand Down
58 changes: 40 additions & 18 deletions Distribution/Simple.hs
Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ import Distribution.Simple.Configure(LocalBuildInfo(..), getPersistBuildConfig,
import Distribution.Simple.Install(install)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (die, currentDir, rawSystemVerbose,
defaultPackageDesc, defaultHookedPackageDesc,
moduleToFilePath, findFile)
#if mingw32_HOST_OS || mingw32_TARGET_OS
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (rawSystemPath)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,40 +403,62 @@ distPref :: FilePath
distPref = "dist"

haddock :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> Int -> [PPSuffixHandler] -> IO ()
haddock pkg_descr lbi verbose pps =
withLib pkg_descr () $ \lib -> do
confHaddock <- do let programConf = withPrograms lbi
let haddockName = programName $ haddockProgram
mHaddock <- lookupProgram haddockName programConf
case mHaddock of
Nothing -> (die "haddock command not found")
Just h -> return h
haddock pkg_descr lbi verbose pps = do
confHaddock <- do let programConf = withPrograms lbi
let haddockName = programName $ haddockProgram
mHaddock <- lookupProgram haddockName programConf
case mHaddock of
Nothing -> (die "haddock command not found")
Just h -> return h

let targetDir = joinPaths distPref (joinPaths "doc" "html")
let tmpDir = joinPaths (buildDir lbi) "tmp"
createDirectoryIfMissing True tmpDir
createDirectoryIfMissing True targetDir
preprocessSources pkg_descr lbi verbose pps

setupMessage "Running Haddock for" pkg_descr

withLib pkg_descr () $ \lib -> do
let bi = libBuildInfo lib
let targetDir = joinPaths distPref (joinPaths "doc" "html")
let tmpDir = joinPaths (buildDir lbi) "tmp"
createDirectoryIfMissing True tmpDir
createDirectoryIfMissing True targetDir
preprocessSources pkg_descr lbi verbose pps
inFiles <- sequence [moduleToFilePath (hsSourceDirs bi) m ["hs", "lhs"]
| m <- exposedModules lib] >>= return . concat
| m <- exposedModules lib ++ otherModules bi] >>= return . concat
mapM_ (mockPP ["-D__HADDOCK__"] pkg_descr bi lbi tmpDir verbose) inFiles
let showPkg = showPackageId (package pkg_descr)
let prologName = showPkg ++ "-haddock-prolog.txt"
writeFile prologName ((description pkg_descr) ++ "\n")
setupMessage "Running Haddock for" pkg_descr
let outFiles = map (joinFileName tmpDir)
(map ((flip changeFileExt) "hs") inFiles)
code <- rawSystemProgram verbose confHaddock
rawSystemProgram verbose confHaddock
"-o", targetDir,
"-t", showPkg,
"-p", prologName] ++ (programArgs confHaddock)
++ (if verbose > 4 then ["-v"] else [])
++ outFiles
++ map ((++) "--hide=") (otherModules bi)
removeDirectoryRecursive tmpDir
removeFile prologName
withExe pkg_descr $ \exe -> do
let bi = buildInfo exe
exeTargetDir = targetDir `joinFileName` exeName exe
createDirectoryIfMissing True exeTargetDir
inFiles' <- sequence [moduleToFilePath (hsSourceDirs bi) m ["hs", "lhs"]
| m <- otherModules bi] >>= return . concat
srcMainPath <- findFile (hsSourceDirs bi) (modulePath exe)
let inFiles = srcMainPath : inFiles'
mapM_ (mockPP ["-D__HADDOCK__"] pkg_descr bi lbi tmpDir verbose) inFiles
let outFiles = map (joinFileName tmpDir)
(map ((flip changeFileExt) "hs") inFiles)
rawSystemProgram verbose confHaddock
"-o", exeTargetDir,
"-t", exeName exe] ++ (programArgs confHaddock)
++ (if verbose > 4 then ["-v"] else [])
++ outFiles

removeDirectoryRecursive tmpDir
mockPP inputArgs pkg_descr bi lbi pref verbose file
= do let (filePref, fileName) = splitFileName file
Expand Down
106 changes: 53 additions & 53 deletions Distribution/Simple/Build.hs
Expand Up @@ -58,8 +58,11 @@ import Distribution.PreProcess (preprocessSources, PPSuffixHandler, ppCpp)
import Distribution.PreProcess.Unlit (unlit)
import Distribution.Version (Version(..))
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo (LocalBuildInfo(..),
mkBinDir, mkLibDir, mkDataDir,
mkBinDir, mkBinDirRel,
mkLibDir, mkLibDirRel,
mkLibexecDir, mkLibexecDirRel)
import Distribution.Simple.Configure (localBuildInfoFile)
import Distribution.Simple.Install (hugsMainFilename)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (rawSystemExit, die, rawSystemPathExit,
mkLibName, mkProfLibName, mkGHCiLibName, dotToSep,
Expand All @@ -70,15 +73,15 @@ import Distribution.Simple.Utils (rawSystemExit, die, rawSystemPathExit,
import Language.Haskell.Extension (Extension(..))

import Data.Char(isSpace)
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe, maybeToList, fromJust)
import Control.Monad (unless, when, filterM)
#ifndef __NHC__
import Control.Exception (try)
import IO (try)
import Data.List(nub, sort, isSuffixOf)
import System.Directory (removeFile)
import System.Directory (removeFile, getModificationTime, doesFileExist)
import Distribution.Compat.Directory (copyFile,createDirectoryIfMissing)
import Distribution.Compat.FilePath (splitFilePath, joinFileName,
splitFileExt, joinFileExt, objExtension,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -513,7 +516,7 @@ buildPathsModule pkg_descr lbi =
| absolute = ""
| otherwise =
"{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fffi #-}\n"++
"{-# LANGUAGE FFI #-}\n"
"{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}\n"

| absolute = ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -553,79 +556,83 @@ buildPathsModule pkg_descr lbi =
"getDataFileName name = return (datadir ++ "++path_sep++" ++ name)\n"
| otherwise =
"\nprefix = " ++ show (prefix lbi) ++
"\nbindirrel = " ++ show (prefixRel flat_bindir) ++
"\nlibdirrel = " ++ show (prefixRel flat_libdir) ++
"\ndatadirrel = " ++ show (prefixRel flat_datadir) ++
"\nlibexecdirrel = " ++ show (prefixRel flat_libexecdir) ++
"\nbindirrel = " ++ show (fromJust flat_bindirrel) ++
"\ngetBinDir :: IO FilePath\n"++
"getBinDir = do\n"++
" m <- getPrefix bindirrel\n"++
" return (fromMaybe prefix m `joinFileName` bindirrel)\n"++
"getBinDir = getPrefixDirRel bindirrel\n\n"++
"getLibDir :: IO FilePath\n"++
"getLibDir = do\n"++
" m <- getPrefix bindirrel\n"++
" return (fromMaybe prefix m `joinFileName` libdirrel)\n"++
"getLibDir = "++mkGetDir flat_libdir flat_libdirrel++"\n\n"++
"getDataDir :: IO FilePath\n"++
"getDataDir = do\n"++
" m <- getPrefix bindirrel\n"++
" return (fromMaybe prefix m `joinFileName` datadirrel)\n"++
"getDataDir = "++mkGetDir flat_datadir flat_datadirrel++"\n\n"++
"getLibexecDir :: IO FilePath\n"++
"getLibexecDir = "++mkGetDir flat_libexecdir flat_libexecdirrel++"\n\n"++
"getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"++
"getDataFileName name = do\n"++
" dir <- getDataDir\n"++
" return (dir `joinFileName` name)\n"++
writeFile (autogenModulesDir lbi `joinFileName` paths_filename) (header++body)
in do btime <- getModificationTime localBuildInfoFile
exists <- doesFileExist paths_filepath
ptime <- if exists
then getModificationTime paths_filepath
else return btime
if btime >= ptime
then writeFile paths_filepath (header++body)
else return ()
flat_bindir = mkBinDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest
flat_libdir = mkLibDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest
flat_datadir = mkDataDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest
flat_libexecdir = mkLibexecDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest
flat_bindir = mkBinDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest
flat_bindirrel = mkBinDirRel pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest
flat_libdir = mkLibDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest
flat_libdirrel = mkLibDirRel pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest
flat_datadir = mkDataDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest
flat_datadirrel = mkDataDirRel pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest
flat_libexecdir = mkLibexecDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest
flat_libexecdirrel = mkLibexecDirRel pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest

mkGetDir dir (Just dirrel) = "getPrefixDirRel " ++ show dirrel
mkGetDir dir Nothing = "return " ++ show dir

#if mingw32_HOST_OS
absolute = hasLibs pkg_descr
absolute = hasLibs pkg_descr || flat_bindirrel == Nothing
absolute = True

paths_modulename = "Paths_" ++ fix (pkgName (package pkg_descr))
paths_filename = paths_modulename ++ ".hs"
paths_filepath = autogenModulesDir lbi `joinFileName` paths_filename

path_sep = show [pathSeparator]

fix = map fixchar
where fixchar '-' = '_'
fixchar c = c

prefixRel ('$':'p':'r':'e':'f':'i':'x':s) = s
prefixRel _ = error "buildPathsModule"

get_prefix_stuff =
"getPrefix :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)\n"++
"getPrefix binDirRel = do \n"++
"getPrefixDirRel :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"++
"getPrefixDirRel dirRel = do \n"++
" let len = (2048::Int) -- plenty, PATH_MAX is 512 under Win32.\n"++
" buf <- mallocArray len\n"++
" ret <- getModuleFileName nullPtr buf len\n"++
" if ret == 0 \n"++
" then do free buf; return Nothing\n"++
" else do s <- peekCString buf\n"++
" free buf\n"++
" return (Just (prefixFromExePath s binDirRel))\n"++
" then do free buf;\n"++
" return (prefix `joinFileName` dirRel)\n"++
" else do exePath <- peekCString buf\n"++
" free buf\n"++
" let (bindir,_) = splitFileName exePath\n"++
" return (prefixFromBinDir bindir bindirrel `joinFileName` dirRel)\n"++
" where\n"++
" prefixFromBinDir bindir path\n"++
" | path' == \".\" = bindir'\n"++
" | otherwise = prefixFromBinDir bindir' path'\n"++
" where\n"++
" (bindir',_) = splitFileName bindir\n"++
" (path', _) = splitFileName path\n"++
"foreign import stdcall \"GetModuleFileNameA\" unsafe\n"++
"foreign import stdcall unsafe \"GetModuleFileNameA\"\n"++
" getModuleFileName :: Ptr () -> CString -> Int -> IO Int32\n"++
"prefixFromExePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath\n"++
"prefixFromExePath exe_path binDirRel\n"++
" = bindir `joinFileName` foldr joinFileName \".\" dotdots\n"++
" where\n"++
" (bindir,exe) = splitFileName exe_path\n"++
" bincomps = breakFilePath binDirRel -- something like [\".\",\"bin\"]\n"++
" dotdots = take (length bincomps) (repeat \"..\")\n"++
"joinFileName :: String -> String -> FilePath\n"++
"joinFileName \"\" fname = fname\n"++
"joinFileName \".\" fname = fname\n"++
Expand All @@ -647,19 +654,12 @@ get_prefix_stuff =
" (c:path) | isPathSeparator c -> path\n"++
" _ -> path1\n"++
"breakFilePath :: FilePath -> [String]\n"++
"breakFilePath = worker []\n"++
" where worker ac path\n"++
" | less == path = less:ac\n"++
" | otherwise = worker (current:ac) less\n"++
" where (less,current) = splitFileName path\n"++
"pathSeparator :: Char\n"++
"pathSeparator = '\\'\n"++
"pathSeparator = '\\\\'\n"++
"isPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool\n"++
"isPathSeparator ch =\n"++
" ch == '/' || ch == '\\'\n"
" ch == '/' || ch == '\\\\'\n"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Testing
Expand Down
17 changes: 1 addition & 16 deletions Distribution/Simple/Configure.hs
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module Distribution.Simple.Configure (writePersistBuildConfig,

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 603
#include "config.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,21 +146,6 @@ configure pkg_descr cfg
my_datasubdir = fromMaybe default_datasubdir
(configDataSubDir cfg)

-- on Windows, our directories should all be relative to $prefix if we're
-- building an executable, so we can be prefix-independent
#if mingw32_HOST_OS
let checkPrefix (s,('$':'p':'r':'e':'f':'i':'x':_)) = return ()
checkPrefix (s,_other) =
die (s ++ " must begin with $prefix for an executable")
mapM_ checkPrefix [
unless (hasLibs pkg_descr) $
checkPrefix ("datadir",my_datadir)

-- check extensions
let extlist = nub $ maybe [] (extensions . libBuildInfo) lib ++
concat [ extensions exeBi | Executable _ _ exeBi <- executables pkg_descr ]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Distribution/Simple/Install.hs
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module Distribution.Simple.Install (
) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 603
#include "config.h"
Expand Down

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