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dcoutts committed Jun 12, 2008
1 parent 7612d18 commit 923d702
Showing 1 changed file with 59 additions and 57 deletions.
116 changes: 59 additions & 57 deletions README
@@ -1,87 +1,89 @@
Cabal home page:
[Cabal home page](

WARNING If you already have Cabal installed, and are using GHC 6.4.1
or earlier, read "Working with older versions of Cabal" for
information first! If you do this out of order, stuff might get
screwy. If stuff gets screwy, post to for help.

-= Installing as root / Administrator (GHC's global package file) =-
Installing as a user (no root or administer access)

This is the recommended method of installing Cabal.
ghc --make Setup
./Setup configure --user
./Setup build
./Setup install

run "make install" as root
This will install into `$HOME/.cabal/` or the equivalent on Windows.
If you want to install elsewhere use the `--prefix=` flag at the
configure step.

The Makefile wraps the standard Cabal setup script; the
Makefile is a convinience for bootstrapping the system. "sudo
make install" should generate the setup script, configure, build,
install, and register it in a standard location.

Cabal should build just like any other Cabal-ized packagem, so if you
you can't or don't want to use the Makefile, you can run:
ghc -i. --make Setup.hs -o setup
./setup configure
./setup build
sudo ./setup install
Installing as root / Administrator

-= Installing as a user (no root or administer access) =-
ghc --make Setup
./Setup configure
./Setup build
sudo ./Setup install

ghc -i. --make Setup.lhs -o setup
./setup configure --prefix=$HOME --user
./setup build
./setup install
This will install into `/usr/local` on unix and on Windows it will
install into `$ProgramFiles/Haskell`. If you want to install
elsewhere use the `--prefix=` flag at the configure step.

Additional notes for GHC-6.4.1 and older:
Working with older versions of GHC and Cabal

It is recommended just to leave any pre-existing version of Cabal
installed. In particular it is *essential* to keep the version that
came with GHC itself since other installed packages need it (eg the
"ghc" api package).

1) Cabal is installed in the global package file (use ghc-pkg list to see)
Prior to GHC 6.4.2 however, GHC didn't deal particularly well with
having multiple versions of packages installed at once. So if you
are using GHC 6.4.1 or older and you have an older version of Cabal
installed, you probably just want to remove it:

2) You don't have root access
ghc-pkg unregister Cabal

3) You need to install a newer version of Cabal in your user directory,
or if you had Cabal installed just for your user account then:

then this formula may help to hide the global version:
ghc-pkg unregister Cabal --user

$ ghc-pkg describe Cabal-1.0 | ghc-pkg --user register -
$ ghc-pkg --user hide Cabal-1.0

-= Working with older versions of GHC and Cabal =-
Your Help

If you have GHC 6.4.2 or later then it's recommended just to leave the
old version of Cabal installed (unless you are really sure that no
existing packages still needs it).
To help us in the next round of development work it would be
enormously helpful to know from our users what their most pressing
problems are with Cabal and Hackage. You probably have a favourite
Cabal bug or limitation. Take a look at our [bug tracker]. Make sure
the problem is reported there and properly described. Comment on the
ticket to tell us how much of a problem the bug is for you. Add
yourself to the ticket's cc list so we can discuss requirements and
keep you informed on progress. For feature requests it is very
helpful if there is a description of how you would expect to
interact with the new feature.

Prior to GHC 6.4.2 however, GHC didn't deal particularly well with
having multiple versions of packages installed at once. So if you are
using GHC 6.4.1 or older and you have an older version of Cabal
installed, you probably just want to remove it:
[bug tracker]:

$ ghc-pkg unregister Cabal

or if you had Cabal installed just for your user account then:

You can get the code from the web page; the version control system we
use is very open and welcoming to new developers.

$ ghc-pkg unregister Cabal --user
You can get the main development branch:

-= Your Help =-
> darcs get --partial

Portability is one of the most important things about this project.
We don't expect the early releases to work on every system, but it
should work on YOUR system! If it doesn't please help us figure out
why, and write a patch and test case to fix the problem, if you can!
The codebase is a very manageable size.
and you can get the stable 1.4 branch:

-= Code =-
> darcs get --partial

You can get the code from the web page; the version control system we
use is very open and welcoming to new developers.

darcs get --partial

-= Credits (in alphabetical order) =-
Cabal Coders (in alphabetical order):

Cabal Coders:
- Krasimir Angelov
- Bjorn Bringert
- Duncan Coutts
Expand All @@ -91,11 +93,11 @@ Cabal Coders:
- Ross Patterson
- Thomas Schilling
- Martin Sjögren
- Malcolm Wallace (via hmake)

- Malcolm Wallace
- and nearly 30 other people have contributed occasional patches

Cabal spec:

- Isaac Jones
- Simon Marlow
- Ross Patterson
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