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Fix test suite, update CI & drop support for GHC <8.0 #19

Fix test suite, update CI & drop support for GHC <8.0

Fix test suite, update CI & drop support for GHC <8.0 #19

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
# Trigger the workflow on push or pull request, but only for the master branch
branches: [master]
shell: bash
name: ${{ matrix.os }} / ghc ${{ matrix.ghc }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
### -- Linux --
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: ubuntu-latest, ghc: "8.0.2" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: ubuntu-latest, ghc: "8.2.2" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: ubuntu-latest, ghc: "8.4.4" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: ubuntu-latest, ghc: "8.6.5" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: ubuntu-latest, ghc: "8.8.4" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: ubuntu-latest, ghc: "8.10.7" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: ubuntu-latest, ghc: "9.0.2" }
#- { cabal: "3.6", os: ubuntu-latest, ghc: "9.2.7" }
- { cabal: "3.6", os: ubuntu-latest, ghc: "9.4.5" }
- { cabal: "3.6", os: ubuntu-latest, ghc: "9.4.5", flags='-system-erf'}
- { cabal: "3.6", os: ubuntu-latest, ghc: "9.4.5", flags='-system-exp1m'}
#- { cabal: "3.6", os: ubuntu-latest, ghc: "9.6.2" }
# ## -- Win --
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: windows-latest, ghc: "8.4.4" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: windows-latest, ghc: "8.6.5" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: windows-latest, ghc: "8.8.4" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: windows-latest, ghc: "8.10.4" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: windows-latest, ghc: "9.0.2" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: windows-latest, ghc: "9.2.7" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: windows-latest, ghc: "9.4.5" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: windows-latest, ghc: "9.6.2" }
# # MacOS
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: macOS-latest, ghc: "8.4.4" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: macOS-latest, ghc: "8.6.5" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: macOS-latest, ghc: "8.8.4" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: macOS-latest, ghc: "8.10.4" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: macOS-latest, ghc: "9.2.7" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: macOS-latest, ghc: "9.4.5" }
# - { cabal: "3.6", os: macOS-latest, ghc: "9.6.2" }
fail-fast: false
# ----------------
- name: "Dummy"
run: |
echo M1 ${{ matrix.ghc }}
echo M2 ${{ matrix.skip-bench }}
# ----------------
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# ----------------
- uses: haskell/actions/setup@v2
id: setup-haskell-cabal
name: Setup Haskell
ghc-version: ${{ matrix.ghc }}
cabal-version: ${{ matrix.cabal }}
# ----------------
- uses: actions/cache@v1
name: Cache ~/.cabal/store
path: ${{ steps.setup-haskell-cabal.outputs.cabal-store }}
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.ghc }}--${{ github.Shah }}
# ----------------
- name: Versions
run: |
cabal -V
ghc -V
# ----------------
- name: Make sdist
run: |
mkdir sdist
cabal sdist -o sdist
- name: Unpack
run: |
mkdir unpacked
tar -C unpacked -xzf sdist/math-function*tar.gz
cd unpacked
# ----------------
- name: cabal check
run: |
cabal -vnormal check
# ----------------
- name: Build
run: |
if [ "${{ matrix.skip-test }}" == "" ]; then FLAG_TEST=--enable-test; fi
if [ "${{ matrix.skip-bench }}" == "" ]; then FLAG_BENCH=--enable-benchmarks; fi
cabal configure $FLAG_TEST $FLAG_BENCH --flags='${{matrix.flags}}'
cabal build all --write-ghc-environment-files=always
# ----------------
- name: Test
run: |
cabal test all