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Ory Hydra Connector

Ory Hydra connector provides instant queries and mutations to request Ory Hydra API resources.

This connector is built upon the NDC Rest with Ory Hydra's REST API Specification.


The connector v1.x supports Hydra v2 API spec. Use v0.x if you want to use Hydra v1.


Support client_secret_post auth method for public APIs that require client_credentials credentials such as /oauth2/* only. The connector mainly supports admin API wrappers for Hasura Engine v3.

Environment Variables

Name Description Default Value
HYDRA_PUBLIC_SERVER_URL Public Hydra server URL http://localhost:4444
HYDRA_ADMIN_SERVER_URL Admin Hydra server URL http://localhost:4445
HYDRA_PUBLIC_TIMEOUT Default request timeout for public APIs in seconds 30
HYDRA_PUBLIC_RETRY_TIMES Number of retry times for public APIs 0
HYDRA_PUBLIC_RETRY_DELAY Delay time between each retry in milliseconds for public APIs 1000
HYDRA_PUBLIC_RETRY_HTTP_STATUS Retry on HTTP status for public APIs 429, 500, 502, 503
HYDRA_ADMIN_TIMEOUT Default request timeout in seconds for admin APIs 30
HYDRA_ADMIN_RETRY_TIMES Number of retry times for admin APIs 0
HYDRA_ADMIN_RETRY_DELAY Delay time between each retry in milliseconds for admin APIs 1000
HYDRA_ADMIN_RETRY_HTTP_STATUS Retry on HTTP status for admin APIs 429, 500, 502, 503


Local Development

Copy .env.example to .env and start Docker Compose:

docker-compose up -d --build

The connector serves the HTTP service at http://localhost:8080.

Update dependencies

NDC_REST_VERSION=\<version\> make update-deps

Update schema

Update VERSION in Makefile and run:

make build-schema