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3. Usage

Arash Hatami edited this page Jun 4, 2019 · 2 revisions

Create a connection

After visiting you will be presented with a connection screen. You need to give your connection a unique name as a reference when using mongo-admin and a MongoDB formatted connection string. The format of a MongoDB connection string can form: mongodb://<user>:<password>@<port>/<db> where specifying to the <db> level is optional. For more information on MongoDB connection strings, see the official MongoDB documentation.

You can supply a connection options object (see docs) with each connection.

For example:

    "poolSize": 10,
    "autoReconnect": false,
    "ssl": false

Note: The connection can be either local or remote hosted on VPS or MongoDB service such as mLab.

The connection can also be automatically initiated through the environment (or with the docker -e parameters)

Env-variable Description
CONN_NAME The name of the connection to create on boot
DB_USERNAME The username for the database connection
DB_PASSWORD The password for the database user
DB_HOST The host IP address or DNS name without the port!
DB_PORT The port of the mongoDB database, if not provided the default 27017 will be used
DB_NAME The name of the database

Screen Shots

Connection Screen


Main Screen


Data Screen


Monitoring Screen


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