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Python bindings
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mhulden committed Jul 15, 2014
1 parent bf1bda9 commit fe50740
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Showing 2 changed files with 354 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions foma/Makefile
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
includedir = $(prefix)/include

VERSION = 0.9.17
CC = gcc
CC = clang
RANLIB = ranlib
YACC = bison -d -t -v
YACC = /usr/local/bin/bison -d -t -v
LEX = flex -8
LEXCLEX = flex -8 --prefix=lexc
LEXIFACE = flex -8 --prefix=interface
Expand Down
352 changes: 352 additions & 0 deletions foma/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Foma: a finite-state toolkit and library. #
# Copyright © 2008-2014 Mans Hulden #

# This file is part of foma. #

# Foma is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as #
# published by the Free Software Foundation. #

# Foma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with foma. If not, see <>. #

from sys import maxint
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.util import find_library
#import os

fomalibpath = find_library('foma')
foma = cdll.LoadLibrary(fomalibpath)

class FSTstruct(Structure):

_fields_ = [("name", c_char * 40), ("arity", c_int), ("arccount", c_int), ("statecount", c_int), ("linecount", c_int), ("finalcount", c_int), ("pathcount", c_longlong), ("is_deterministic", c_int), ("is_pruned", c_int), ("is_minimized", c_int), ("is_epsilon_free", c_int), ("is_loop_free", c_int), ("is_completed", c_int), ("arcs_sorted_in", c_int), ("arcs_sorted_out", c_int), ("fsm_state", c_void_p), ("sigma", c_void_p), ("medlookup", c_void_p)]

foma_fsm_parse_regex = foma.fsm_parse_regex
foma_fsm_parse_regex.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)
foma_apply_init = foma.apply_init
foma_apply_init.restype = c_void_p
foma_apply_clear = foma.apply_clear
foma_apply_words = foma.apply_words
foma_apply_words.restype = c_char_p
foma_apply_lower_words = foma.apply_lower_words
foma_apply_lower_words.restype = c_char_p
foma_apply_upper_words = foma.apply_upper_words
foma_apply_upper_words.restype = c_char_p
foma_apply_down = foma.apply_down
foma_apply_down.restype = c_char_p
foma_apply_up = foma.apply_up
foma_apply_up.restype = c_char_p
foma_fsm_count = foma.fsm_count
foma_fsm_topsort = foma.fsm_topsort
foma_fsm_topsort.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)
foma_fsm_minimize = foma.fsm_minimize
foma_fsm_minimize.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)
foma_fsm_union = foma.fsm_union
foma_fsm_union.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)
foma_fsm_intersect = foma.fsm_intersect
foma_fsm_intersect.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)
foma_fsm_minus = foma.fsm_minus
foma_fsm_minus.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)
foma_fsm_compose = foma.fsm_compose
foma_fsm_compose.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)
foma_fsm_concat = foma.fsm_concat
foma_fsm_concat.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)
foma_fsm_copy = foma.fsm_copy
foma_fsm_copy.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)
foma_fsm_complement = foma.fsm_complement
foma_fsm_complement.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)
foma_fsm_lower = foma.fsm_lower
foma_fsm_lower.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)
foma_fsm_upper = foma.fsm_upper
foma_fsm_upper.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)
foma_fsm_minimize = foma.fsm_minimize
foma_fsm_minimize.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)
foma_fsm_destroy = foma.fsm_destroy
foma_fsm_equivalent = foma.fsm_equivalent
foma_fsm_equivalent.restype = c_int
foma_fsm_isempty = foma.fsm_isempty
foma_fsm_isempty.restype = c_int
foma_fsm_flatten = foma.fsm_flatten
foma_fsm_flatten.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)

"""Define functions."""
foma_add_defined = foma.add_defined
foma_add_defined.restype = c_int
defined_networks_init = foma.defined_networks_init
defined_networks_init.restype = c_void_p
defined_functions_init = foma.defined_functions_init
defined_functions_init.restype = c_void_p

"""Trie functions."""
fsm_trie_init = foma.fsm_trie_init
fsm_trie_init.restype = c_void_p
fsm_trie_add_word = foma.fsm_trie_add_word
fsm_trie_done = foma.fsm_trie_done
fsm_trie_done.restype = POINTER(FSTstruct)

class FSTnetworkdefinitions(object):

def __init__(self):
self.defhandle = defined_networks_init(None)

class FSTfunctiondefinitions(object):

def __init__(self):
self.deffhandle = defined_functions_init(None)

class FST(object):

networkdefinitions = FSTnetworkdefinitions()
functiondefinitions = FSTfunctiondefinitions()

def define(cls, definition, name):
"""Defines an FSM constant; can be supplied regex or existing FSM."""
name = cls.encode(name)
if isinstance(definition, FST):
retval = foma.add_defined(c_void_p(cls.networkdefinitions.defhandle), foma_fsm_copy(definition.fsthandle), c_char_p(name))
elif isinstance(definition, basestring):
regex = cls.encode(definition)
retval = foma.add_defined(c_void_p(cls.networkdefinitions.defhandle), foma_fsm_parse_regex(c_char_p(regex), c_void_p(cls.networkdefinitions.defhandle), c_void_p(cls.functiondefinitions.deffhandle)), c_char_p(name))
raise ValueError("Expected str, unicode, or FSM")

def wordlist(cls, wordlist, minimize = True):
"""Create FSM directly from wordlist.
Returns a trie-shaped deterministic automaton if not minimized."""
th = fsm_trie_init()
for w in wordlist:
thisword = cls.encode(w)
fsm_trie_add_word(c_void_p(th), c_char_p(thisword))
fsm = cls()
fsm.fsthandle = fsm_trie_done(c_void_p(th))
if minimize:
fsm.fsthandle = foma_fsm_minimize(fsm.fsthandle)
return fsm

def encode(string):
"""Makes sure str and unicode are converted."""
if isinstance(string, unicode):
return string.decode('utf-8')
elif isinstance(string, str):
return string
return str(string)
#raise ValueError("Expected str or unicode")

def __init__(self, regex = False):
if regex:
self.regex = self.encode(regex)
self.fsthandle = foma_fsm_parse_regex(c_char_p(self.regex), c_void_p(self.networkdefinitions.defhandle), c_void_p(self.functiondefinitions.deffhandle))
if not self.fsthandle:
raise ValueError("Syntax error in regex")
self.fsthandle = None
self.getitemapplyer = None

def __getitem__(self, key):
if not self.fsthandle:
raise KeyError('FST not defined')
if not self.getitemapplyer:
self.getitemapplyer = foma_apply_init(self.fsthandle)
result = []
output = foma_apply_down(c_void_p(self.getitemapplyer), c_char_p(self.encode(key)))
while True:
if output == None:
return result
output = foma_apply_down(c_void_p(self.getitemapplyer), None)

def __del__(self):
if self.fsthandle:
#print "DESTROY"

def __str__(self):
if not self.fsthandle:
raise ValueError('FSM not defined')
s = 'Name: %s\n' %
s += 'States: %i\n' % self.fsthandle.contents.statecount
s += 'Transitions: %i\n' % self.fsthandle.contents.arccount
s += 'Final states: %i\n' % self.fsthandle.contents.finalcount
s += 'Deterministic: %i\n' % self.fsthandle.contents.is_deterministic
s += 'Minimized: %i\n' % self.fsthandle.contents.is_minimized
s += 'Arity: %i\n' % self.fsthandle.contents.arity
return s

def __len__(self):
if self.fsthandle:
if self.fsthandle.contents.pathcount == -3: # UNKNOWN
self.fsthandle = foma_fsm_topsort(self.fsthandle)
if self.fsthandle.contents.pathcount == -1: # CYCLIC
raise ValueError("FSM is cyclic")
if self.fsthandle.contents.pathcount == -2: # OVERFLOW
return maxint
return self.fsthandle.contents.pathcount
raise ValueError("FSM not defined")

def __add__(self, other):
return self.concat(other)

def __sub__(self, other):
return self.minus(other)

def __le__(self, other):
if self.fsthandle and other.fsthandle:
return bool(c_int(foma_fsm_isempty(foma_fsm_minimize(foma_fsm_minus(foma_fsm_copy(self.fsthandle),foma_fsm_copy(other.fsthandle))))))
raise ValueError('Undefined FST')

def __lt__(self, other):
if self.fsthandle and other.fsthandle:
return (not self.__eq__(other)) and bool(c_int(foma_fsm_isempty(foma_fsm_minimize(foma_fsm_minus(foma_fsm_copy(self.fsthandle),foma_fsm_copy(other.fsthandle))))))
raise ValueError('Undefined FST')

def __or__(self, other):
return self.union(other)

def __and__(self, other):
return self.intersect(other)

def __eq__(self, other):
if self.fsthandle and other.fsthandle:
return bool(c_int(foma_fsm_equivalent(foma_fsm_copy(self.fsthandle), foma_fsm_copy(other.fsthandle))))
raise ValueError('Undefined FST')

def __ne__(self, other):
return not(self.__eq__(other))

def __contains__(self, word):
af = self.apply_down(word)
i =
return True
except StopIteration:
return False

def __call__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, basestring):
return FST("{" + other + "}").compose(self)
return other.compose(self)

def __invert__(self):
new = FST()
new.fsthandle = self._fomacallunary(foma_fsm_complement)
return new

def __iter__(self):
return self._apply(foma_apply_upper_words)

def _apply(self, applyf, word = None):
if not self.fsthandle:
raise ValueError('FST not defined')
applyerhandle = foma_apply_init(self.fsthandle)
if word:
output = applyf(c_void_p(applyerhandle), c_char_p(self.encode(word)))
output = applyf(c_void_p(applyerhandle))
while True:
if output == None:
yield output
if word:
output = applyf(c_void_p(applyerhandle), None)
output = applyf(c_void_p(applyerhandle))

def words(self):
return self._apply(foma_apply_words)

def lowerwords(self):
return self._apply(foma_apply_lower_words)

def upperwords(self):
return self._apply(foma_apply_upper_words)

def apply_down(self, word):
return self._apply(foma_apply_down, word)

def apply_up(self, word):
if self.fsthandle:
return self._apply(foma_apply_up, word)
raise ValueError('Undefined FST')

def _fomacallunary(self, func, minimize = True):
if self.fsthandle:
handle = func(foma_fsm_copy(self.fsthandle))
if minimize:
handle = foma_fsm_minimize(handle)
return handle
raise ValueError('Undefined FST')

def _fomacallbinary(self, other, func, minimize = True):
if self.fsthandle and other.fsthandle:
handle = func(foma_fsm_copy(self.fsthandle), foma_fsm_copy(other.fsthandle))
if minimize:
handle = foma_fsm_minimize(handle)
return handle
raise ValueError('Undefined FST')

def union(self, other, minimize = True):
new = FST()
new.fsthandle = self._fomacallbinary(other, foma_fsm_union, minimize)
return new

def intersect(self, other, minimize = True):
new = FST()
new.fsthandle = self._fomacallbinary(other, foma_fsm_intersect, minimize)
return new

def minus(self, other, minimize = True):
new = FST()
new.fsthandle = self._fomacallbinary(other, foma_fsm_minus, minimize)
return new

def concat(self, other, minimize = True):
new = FST()
new.fsthandle = self._fomacallbinary(other, foma_fsm_concat, minimize)
return new

def compose(self, other, minimize = True):
new = FST()
new.fsthandle = self._fomacallbinary(other, foma_fsm_compose, minimize)
return new

def lower(self, minimize = True):
new = FST()
new.fsthandle = self._fomacallunary(foma_fsm_lower, minimize)
return new

def upper(self, minimize = True):
new = FST()
new.fsthandle = self._fomacallunary(foma_fsm_upper, minimize)
return new

def flatten(self):
new = FST()
eps_sym = FST('□')
new.fsthandle = foma_fsm_flatten(foma_fsm_copy(self.fsthandle), foma_fsm_copy(eps_sym.fsthandle))
return new

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