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Bubble Tea Shop

This is a web application designed for any type of store/restaurant with a lot of backend functionalities.

Table of content



After installing Docker and Node.js you must go to the root of the respository and type:

npm i
cd Front_end
npm i

Where the npm i command installs all dependencies.The back end and front end are separated for clarity so need to do it two times.

To be able to use all of the functionalities, the .env file needs to be updated with a vaild email user and password. This will be the account that will send emails to the rest of the users on behalf of the company so personal email is not advised (only for testing purposes).


In order the email sending to work you have to set it from the settings to let less secure apps use it, as described here.


In order to start move to the root of the repository and use:

docker-compose up
cd Front_end
npm run start



There are 4 user types that can interact with the website:

  • admin
  • support
  • u+acc (user with account)
  • u-acc (user without account)


GET /api/v1/users/ - Get a list of all users (only for testing purposes)

Permission - admin

Response - List of JSON objects representing all the users from database

GET /api/v1/users/confirmation/:id - Confirm email address for user with id in params

Response - String

Email address confirmed!

POST /api/v1/users/register - Register a user

Body - json

    username: String
    password: String
    email: String

Response - String

Please, comfirm your email address!

POST /api/v1/users/registerAdmin - Register an admin or support (only for testing purposes)

Body - json

    username: String //admin - for admin, support - for support
    password: String

POST /api/v1/users/login - Login a user

Body - json

    username: String
    password: String

Response - String



GET /api/v1/reviews - Get all the reviews from the database

Response - List of JSON objects

GET /api/v1/reviews/:id - Get the review with the id in params

Permission - admin

Response - JSON with the review

GET /api/v1/reviews/change/:id - Alternates the boolean value of showOnSite variable from the review with the id in params

Permission - admin, support

GET /api/v1/reviews/user/:id - Get all the reviews from the user with the id in params

Permission - admin

Response - List of JSON objects

POST /api/v1/reviews - Add a review

Permission - admin, support, u+acc

Body - json

    userPosting: String // representing an user ID
    message: String
    rating: Number // Values 1 - 10

PUT /api/v1/reviews/:id - Changes the info for the review with the id in params

Permission - admin, support

Body - json

    userPosting: String // representing an user ID
    message: String
    rating: Number // Values 1 - 10
    showOnSite: Boolean

DELETE /api/v1/reviews/:id - Deletes the review with the id in params

Permission - admin


GET /api/v1/questions - Get all the questions from the database

Response - List of JSON objects

GET /api/v1/questions/:id - Get the question with the id in params

Permission - admin

Response - JSON with the review

GET /api/v1/questions/change/:id - Alternates the boolean value of faq variable from the review with the id in params

Permission - admin, support

GET /api/v1/questions/authors/:id - Get all the questions from the user with the id in params

Permission - admin

Response - List of JSON objects

POST /api/v1/questions - Add a question

Permission - admin, support, u+acc

Body - json

    userPosting: String // representing an user ID
    comment: String

PUT /api/v1/questions/:id - Adds a reply to the question with the id in params and then notices the user that posted it with an email

Permission - admin, support

Body - json

    reply: String

DELETE /api/v1/questions/:id - Deletes the question with the id in params

Permission - admin




No description, website, or topics provided.






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