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File metadata and controls

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Deploying a new solr configuration

All indexing is done on the "reindexing solr", currently beeftea-2. The complete solr install (including the index) is copied every night to the production servers, which we never actually need to touch.

Deploying a new solr configuration is as follows. First, in /htsolr/catalog/bin/ht_catalog_indexer, check that there aren't any unexpected uncommitted changes with git status. It's expected that the translation maps such as collection_code_to_original_from.yaml will have changed, as they're generated from the database on each run. Stash or commit any other changes as needed. Then, get the new code:

git pull origin main

To prevent the catalog from being released before we verify it is correct:

touch /htsolr/catalog/flags/STOPCATALOGRELEASE 

Then: stop solr, move the existing catalog core aside, copy the new schema in place, chmod the new core so Solr can write to it, and restart solr:

cd /htsolr/catalog/cores
systemctl stop solr-current-catalog
mv catalog "catalog_$(date +%Y%m%d)"
rm "catalog_$(date %Y%m%d)/" # ensure solr doesn't load the backup as a core
cp -r /htsolr/catalog/bin/ht_catalog_indexer/solr/catalog .
chmod o+w /htsolr/catalog/cores/catalog
sudo systemctl start solr-current-catalog; sleep 10

Do a basic check to see if it's up and returns HTTP 200 with an empty)set of documents:

curl 'http://localhost:9033/solr/catalog/select?q=*:*&wt=json' | json_xs

Then, do a full catalog index:

cd /htsolr/catalog/bin/ht_catalog_indexer
/usr/bin/nohup bin/cictl index all --log="logs/full_$(date +%Y%m%d).txt" &

You can follow the logfile listed above for progress; the full index typically takes several hours.

You can then point a catalog instance directly at this "catalog build" solr to ensure everything looks OK. Change (for example) /htapps/dev-1.catalog/web/conf/solrURL.ini to contain:

url = http://beeftea-2:9033/solr/
full_url = http://beeftea-2:9033/solr/catalog/

Then, remove the set-aside copy and the flag stopping release:

rm -rf "/htsolr/catalog/cores/catalog_$(date +%Y%m%d)"
rm /htsolr/catalog/flags/STOPCATALOGRELEASE

N.B.: If, after the new catalog is released, you discover problems and need to roll back, this can be done by manually adjusting the catalog release script /l/local/bin/index-release-catalog on squishee-2 and slurpee-2 to point to a snapshot from a particular previous date.