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@hatopopvr hatopopvr released this 18 Mar 07:20
· 2 commits to master since this release


新機能 / New Features

Clipboard Copy Functionality: You can now quickly copy and share score information such as song name, mapper name, difficulty, ACC, PP, and replay link. The format of this copied information is customizable, allowing you to adjust the display of information to suit your preferences.


クリップボードコピー形式のカスタマイズ方法 / How to Customize the Clipboard Copy Format:

If you want to customize the format for clipboard copying, directly edit the format settings in the script's source code. This allows for adjustments such as emphasizing specific details or omitting unnecessary information. For detailed steps and examples, refer to the comments within the script.

// Format for clipboard copying
    ---List of available variables---
    songName: Name of the song.
    mapperName: Name of the song's mapper (creator).
    difficulty: String representing the song's difficulty (e.g., Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert, ExpertPlus).
    stars: Difficulty rating on ScoreSaber (e.g., "7.12★").
    accuracy: Percentage of accuracy for the play.
    performancePoints: Performance Points (PP) on ScoreSaber.
    replayLink: Link to the replay (data from BeatLeader).
    fcAcc: Percentage of accuracy at Full Combo (data from BeatLeader).
    accLeft: Accuracy with the left hand (data from BeatLeader).
    accRight: Accuracy with the right hand (data from BeatLeader).
    pauses: Number of pauses during the play (data from BeatLeader).
    totalMisses: Total number of Misses and Bad Cuts.
    previousMisses: Total number of Misses and Bad Cuts before the score update (data from BeatLeader).
const defaultCopyFormats = {
  ranked: `Song: {songName} | {difficulty} | {stars}
Mapper: {mapperName}
Acc: {accuracy} (FC:{fcAcc}%)
L|R: {accLeft} | {accRight}
PP: {performancePoints}
Miss: {totalMisses} {previousMisses} | Pauses: {pauses}
Replay: {replayLink}`,
  unranked: `Song: {songName} | {difficulty}
Mapper: {mapperName}
Acc: {accuracy} (FC:{fcAcc}%)
L|R: {accLeft} | {accRight}
Miss: {totalMisses} {previousMisses} | Pauses: {pauses}
Replay: {replayLink}`

最新版のスクリプトを取得する / Get the latest version of the script here
※ 導入にあたっての注記はREADMEを参照願います。
  Please refer to the README for notes on installation.

If you have any suggestions or feedback on how to improve this script, please feel free to contact us.

Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.0