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Martin Hauner edited this page Jun 29, 2014 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the grails-cucumber wiki!

What's this?

grails-cucumber is a Grails plugin for Cucumber based on Cucumber-JVM. Cucumber-JVM is the JVM implementation of cucumber with support for many JVM languages.

see or the documentation below for more details.



(from newest to oldest...)

The full code of the examples used in the above articles can be found here. The examples use the plugin as an inline plugin. So you should pull the repository from the root or you have to adjust BuildConfig.groovy to explicitly load the plugin.

All examples have been updated to run with version 0.11.0 of the plugin and grails 2.3.7. So the code will probably not match to 100 percent to what is described in the (older) articles.