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Everything You Need for Event Scripting in HexManiacAdvance

haven1433 edited this page Jun 3, 2024 · 19 revisions

General Tutorials:

ID Tutorial Description
O1 Getting Started Learn what event scripts are, how to reach them, and some basics.
O2 Using Templates Use built-in templates to create most basic scripts quickly.
O3 Scripting Basics Common commands, auto, and sections.
O4 Flags Remembering simple things.
O5 Variables Remembering numbers.
O6 Specials Understanding the special and special2 commands.
O7 List of Every Available Scripting Command Reference of every available command and special.
O8 Script Events Writing scripts that are tied to a specific location in the map, rather than an NPC.
O9 Map Header Scripts Writing scripts that are tied to a map, rather than an NPC.
O10 A Complete Example Writing a script that uses specials, flags, and sections to give the player an item.

Specific Topics:

ID Tutorial Description
O11 Trainer Encounters
O12 Legendary Pokémon Encounters
O13 Differentiating XSE's and HMA's Script Editors Comparing command syntax, shortcuts, and more.
O14 Multichoices Constructing boxes of options for the player to select from.

Guest Tutorials:

Tutorial Author
How To Make Starter Pokemon Selection King Cradi
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