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Alvin Prieto edited this page May 9, 2014 · 4 revisions

###General Information The Hawaii Hoops website was created in order to connect players with local leagues and teams. Players will also be able to find information about other players and courts in their area. ###Features

###Login/Registration Users are encouraged to make an account with Hawaii Hoops, although access to public information such as courts is available without one. Registration provides users with a customized home page with updates from teams, leagues, and courts they have joined. Registered users are also able to create a profile and view profiles of other players. ###Players Players profiles are automatically created when a user registers with the information input into the registration form. Players can add to their profile later on if desired and will automatically update stats when players participate in games or join teams. ###Courts A list of courts on the island is available for both registered and unregistered users. However, unregistered users are not able to follow or review courts. Followed courts will show up on the registered users home page for easy access to any updates as soon as they log in. ###Teams Registered users can create new teams or join existing teams. Players who have joined a team can leave comments on the comment page or receive notifications about the status of the team (the latter currently under development). ###Games Registered users can create new games and add players to these games. The player level of the games is displayed so players can appropriately judge what games will match their own skill level. ###Leagues Teams that have been formed through the site are able to sign up to leagues created by the league administrators. The website makes monitoring the status of participants and collecting payments easy for leagues.