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File metadata and controls

34 lines (18 loc) · 2.39 KB


This plugin provides a programming API similar to ng-grid for writing table/grids in angularjs but uses jQuery DataTables as the underlying implementation.

For example if you are using ng-grid in some HTML:

<div class="gridStyle" ng-grid="gridOptions"></div>

You can switch to jQuery DataTables using:

<div class="gridStyle" hawtio-datatable="gridOptions"></div>

It supports most things we use in ng-grid like cellTemplate / cellFilter / width etc (though width's with values starting with "*" are ignored). We also support specifying external search text field & keeping track of selected items etc. To see it in action try the log plugin or check its HTML or column definitions

Simple Table

In addition, for cases where you don't want a fixed sized table but want a simple HTML table populated with the same JSON model as ng-grid or hawtio-datatable there is the simple table:

<table class="table table-striped" hawtio-simple-table="mygrid"></table>

This lets you create a regular table element with whatever metadata you like and the <thead> and <tbody> will be generated from the column definitions to render the table dynamically; using the same kind of JSON configuration.

This means you can switch between ng-grid, hawtio-datatable and hawtio-simple-table based on your requirements and tradeoffs (layout versus performance versus dynamic, user configurable views etc).

Keep selection on data change

The simple table uses a function evaluated as a primary key for the selected row(s). This ensures that the rows can be kept selected, when the underlying data changes due live updated. When the data is changed, then it is often easier for a plugin to just create the data from scratch, instead of updating existing data. This allows developers to use the same logic in the plugin for the initial data load, as well for subsequent data updates.

For an example see the quartz plugin, using the function as shown below:

primaryKeyFn: (entity, idx) => { return + "/" + }