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Team Foundation Server Installation Script.

1-tfs-azure-env-config.ps1 is for create Azure Basic A2 VM with SQL Server 2014 standard. 2-tfs-server-installation.ps1 is for install and config TFS is for install build agent

The Scirpt has been tested on Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 R2 VM and Azure Ubuntu 14.04 LTS VM.


###right click and run with powershell or run it directly in cmdlet .\1-tfs-azure-env-config.ps1 .\2-tfs-server-installation.ps1 is for linux bash run this script with root ubuntu e.g. sudo .\


###Windows Installation List: Team Foundation Server 2015 RC EN Visual Studio Community 2015 RC EN Visual Studio Code Chocolatey Azure Web Platform Installer Node.js Python JDK8 Eclipse Ant Nuget Putty Git 7zip

###linux Installation List: vsoagent Node.js GCC python JDK Ant Maven Cmake Gulp LLVM Wget Git