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🙋 vital-exe-assert 🙋

Yet another assertion library for Vim script


  • You can leave assertions in production code because it doesn't execute assertions in production code by default
  • But, Vim script doesn't have lazy evaluation feature, so arguments of assert functions will be evaluated even if assertions doesn't run.
  • Use :exe (:execute) instead of :call to execute assertions
  • See :h themis-helper-assert for available assert functions
  • TODO: help document


Neobundle / Vundle / vim-plug

NeoBundle 'vim-jp/vital.vim'
NeoBundle 'haya14busa/vital-exe-assert'

Plugin 'vim-jp/vital.vim'
Plugin 'haya14busa/vital-exe-assert'

Plug 'vim-jp/vital.vim'
Plug 'haya14busa/vital-exe-assert'

Embet vital-exe-assert into your plugin

See :h :Vitalize for more information.

:Vitalize . --name={plugin_name} ExeAssert

※ Above command assumes current directory is the root of your plugin repository.




let g:__vital_exe_assert_config = { '__debug__': 1 }


let s:V = vital#of('vital')
let s:assert = s:V.import('ExeAssert').make()

function! s:modulo_test(n) abort
  exe s:assert.is_number(a:n)
  let m = a:n % 3
  if m ==# 0
  elseif m ==# 1
    exe s:assert.equals(m, 2, printf('assume %d %% 3 == 2, but...???', a:n))

call s:modulo_test(0)
call s:modulo_test(1)
call s:modulo_test(2)
call s:modulo_test('-1')
call s:modulo_test(-100)

:source /path/to/your/example.vim

function <SNR>821_modulo_test, line 1
AssertionError: The type of value was expected to be number, but it was not the case.
    expected type: number
         got type: string
        got value: '-1'
Error detected while processing function <SNR>821_modulo_test:
line    1:
E605: Exception not caught: vital: ExeAssert: abort

※ It seems that vim cannot output multiple lines with :throw, so vital-exe-assert throws additional aborting exception.

Disable abortion

Do not stop execution if __abort__ option is disabled and there are no additional :throw.


let g:__vital_exe_assert_config = {
\ '__debug__': 1,
\ '__abort__': 0
\ }

:source /path/to/your/example.vim

function <SNR>821_modulo_test, line 1
AssertionError: The type of value was expected to be number, but it was not the case.
    expected type: number
         got type: string
        got value: '-1'
function <SNR>821_modulo_test, line 6
AssertionError: The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
    expected: 2
         got: -1
assume -1 % 3 == 2, but...???
function <SNR>821_modulo_test, line 6
AssertionError: The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
    expected: 2
         got: -1
assume -100 % 3 == 2, but...???

Assert in production code

If you want to execute assertions in production code, inject configuration as a argument for make()


let s:V = vital#of('vital')
let s:assert = s:V.import('ExeAssert').make({'__debug__': 1})

Special thanks

Currently, vital-exe-assert copy the code from vim-themis for assert functions.

🐦 Author

haya14busa (


🙋 Yet another assertion library for Vim script







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