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Geostrategic is a massively-multiplayer online (MMO) real-time strategy (RTS) sandbox game.


The game is played on a massive 2D map that is divided into a grid of 10cm (1 decimetre) squares. All players are all in one game and that is played over a long period of time.

The world is occupied by units — some of these units are directly controlled by the players (these are called "autonomous" units) and others are resources, equipment or infrastructure that can be utilised to progress the game.

The game is played in a pseudo turn-based manner in which autonomous unit continuously gain action points (irrespective of when players are online) which are used when the unit executes actions (see below). The action points are gained at a rate of 2,000 per second and each action point equates to 1 millisecond of game time (time in the game passes at 2 times the speed of real-world time). Action points are capped at 172,800,000 (the amount of action points that accumulate in a 2 day period).

The characteristics of a unit is defined by its classification. A single classification can apply to multiple units. The classifications provides a unit with a name, icon, size (measured in squares), a flag indicating if it's autonomous. and a flag indicating if it's a container (can contain other units).

A classification also defines what actions are available to units. Actions are how players interact with the game. Action are executed by autonomous units and consumes the actions points of the autonomous units involved.

Actions Types

The most basic type of action is a move action. This action allows a unit to move north, east, south or west. If a unit contains other units (the contained units are entirely within the bounds of the containing unit) then the contained units will move with the containing unit. Units cannot move over the top of units that are smaller in size or not container units.

Work In Progress

  • Mobile support.
  • Polish the UI and sign-up flow.


Features planned for this version of Geostrategic.

Arrange Actions

Actions for arranging other units within or nearby a given unit. This lets autonomous units pick-up items, put down items or reorganise items.

  • Arrange actions will include a range property. A value of -1 indicates units can only be arranged within the unit executing the action and a value of 0 or greater indicates the distance (measured in decimetres) from the edge the unit executing that action in which units can be arranged (including within).

  • Units cannot arrange autonomous units.

Create Action & Action Outputs

A "create" action is an action that produces new units.

  • Add "create" value to the action_type type.

  • Add action outputs table:

      action_outputs (
        id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid (),
        action_id uuid NOT NULL,
        classification_id uuid NOT NULL,
        count integer NOT NULL,
        created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
        PRIMARY KEY (id),
        FOREIGN KEY (action_id) REFERENCES actions (id)

Action Inputs

Some actions might cost more than just action points. Action inputs are units that will be consumed when the action is executed.

  action_inputs (
    id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid (),
    action_id uuid NOT NULL,
    classification_id uuid NOT NULL,
    count integer NOT NULL,
    created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
    PRIMARY KEY (id),
    FOREIGN KEY (action_id) REFERENCES actions (id)

Action Requirements

Some actions might require the presence of specific units, but not consume them.

CREATE TYPE action_requirement_type AS ENUM(

  action_requirements (
    id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid (),
    action_id uuid NOT NULL,
    classification_id uuid NOT NULL,
    type action_requirement_type NOT NULL,
    count integer NOT NULL CHECK (count > 0),
    created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
    PRIMARY KEY (id),
    FOREIGN KEY (action_id) REFERENCES actions (id)


  • Add "research" to the action_type type.

  • Add research types/tables:

    CREATE TYPE research_type AS ENUM('classification', 'action');
    CREATE TYPE research_status AS ENUM('draft', 'proposed', 'rejected', 'approved');
      research (
        id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid (),
        type research_type NOT NULL,
        status research_status NOT NULL,
        classification_id uuid,
        action_id uuid,
        created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
        PRIMARY KEY (id),
        FOREIGN KEY (classification_id) REFERENCES classifications (id),
        FOREIGN KEY (action_id) REFERENCES actions (id),
        CHECK (
            type = 'classification'
            AND classification_id IS NOT NULL
          OR (
            type = 'action'
            AND action_id IS NOT NULL
      research_review (
        id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid (),
        research_id uuid NOT NULL,
        owner_id uuid NOT NULL,
        approve boolean,
        created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
        PRIMARY KEY (id),
        FOREIGN KEY (research_id) REFERENCES research (id),
        FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES auth.users (id)

Peer Reviewed Research & Knowledge Points

Research should take more than just a majority vote to be approved. Units earn knowledge when they participate in reviewing research. These points are required to submit new research.

Rectangular Shaped Units

Instead of allowing only square shaped units, allow rectangular shaped units. This also means that units can be rotated and face in a direction (move "forward" instead of north/east/south/west).


Ideas for the future of Geostrategic.

  • Terrain such as sea, road, river, tree, sand, cliff etc. This would affect movement and restrict where units can be placed.
  • Resources like coal, iron ore and natural gas that can be obtained from the terrain.
  • Classification tags. These are used as an abstraction for defining action requirements and constraints for unit containment.
  • Unit stacking. Some classifications (e.g. coins or paper) should allow the units to be stacked on top of each other.


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