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Веб-приложение для сохранения закладок. Состоит из API на Django REST Framework, Телеграм-бота (через него можно сохранять закладки), Celery для обработки задач, создаваемых ботом, и фронтенда на Nuxt.

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Web bookmarking service consisting of Django REST Framework API backend, Telegram bot to receive URLs, Celery worker (process background tasks, e.g. downloads and Telegram notifications), and Nuxt/Vue frontend, written in TypeScript.

The project is in development right now! Recent changes are listed in

Any questions or ideas are welcome in project's Issues on GitHub.

What's already done and what's planned in terms of app features and used technologies - see GitHub project page and read this discussion thread (in Russian).

You can check out the live demo (which I use myself and update daily) here:


Tech stack used

Frameworks and libraries

  • Backend: Django
    • Django REST Framework: REST API on the backend was built using this battle-tested framework. It's powerful, well-documented and easy to use.
    • djoser: REST implementation of Django authentication system. djoser library provides a set of Django Rest Framework views to handle basic actions such as registration, login, logout, password reset and account activation.
    • django-cors-headers: Django app for handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
  • Celery - Distributed Task Queue: Celery is a simple, flexible, and reliable distributed system to process vast amounts of messages, while providing operations with the tools required to maintain such a system.
  • Telegram bot: pyTelegramBotAPI
    • requests: Requests allows you to send HTTP/1.1 requests extremely easily. There’s no need to manually add query strings to your URLs, or to form-encode your POST data.
  • Frontend:

Dev Tools

  • VS Code + Volar for frontend development.
  • PyCharm Professional for backend development.
    • BlackConnect plugin.
  • Selenium for functional tests.
    • xPath Finder for Firefox - plugin to get the elements xPath.


Some interesting resources that I found and used while developing this project.




Naming Conventions: "The" in the component name means there's intended to be only one instance of this component in the app, e.g., TheNavbar and TheFooter.

To hide dropdown menu in navbar when navigating from page to page, add key param like: <div class="navbar-dropdown is-right" :key="route.path">.

How to start the project

The project consists of three parts - backend, frontend, and the Telegram bot - and you need to run them simultaneously.

First of all, you have to clone the repository to your local directory:

git clone

Start in Development mode

Backend (API)

In first shell window, create Python virtual environment for backend and install project dependencies:

cd ./drf-nuxt-bookmarks/backend/
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, create .env file using touch ./.env shell command, say nano ./.env and fill inn the necessary environment variables:

Variable Description
SECRET_KEY Standard Django secret key string. See below how to easily generate one.
DEBUG True since we are in development mode.
BACKEND_HOST Used in ALLOWED_HOSTS Django setting. by default.
BACKEND_HOST_DOCKER Set api by default for now, I'll explain the meanin later!

To create random SECRET_KEY, open Django shell with following commands and then execute the code below:

source .venv/bin/activate
python -m manage shell
# Inside the shell:
import secrets
# It will print something like:
# U9d7Aqac7Feo8dUyy-I4A1ppAGbwj4PUmrd8_uPSu9g
# Copy it and use as your SECRET_KEY.

Now we are ready to migrate the database, create admin user account, and start the server:

python -m manage migrate
python -m manage createsuperuser
python -m manage runserver

Frontend (Nuxt Dev Server)

In second shell window, cd to frontend directory and create .env file:

cd ../frontend
touch ./.env
nano ./.env

Put one line there - NUXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE= This will tell frontend, where to find the API.

npm install
npm run dev

Then, install the dependencies for Nuxt app, and run the frontend development server:

Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the working project. Django admin panel is available at

Telegram bot

In the third terminal, cd ./bot, touch ./.env to create config file, and then edit it with nano ./.env:


Then activate the virtual environment, and run the bot:

source ../frontend/.venv/bin/activate


Running with Docker Compose on Ubuntu

  • Install Docker & Docker Compose:
  • Use Docker Compose template files in the project directory to create your docker-compose.yml.
  • Edit environment variables accoring according to your system parameters. Don't create .env files, all variables must be set in docker-compose.yml, which is very convenient.
  • Example of my "production" docker-compose.yml:
version: "3.9"
    container_name: "bkmrks-api"
    build: ./backend/
    command: gunicorn django_project.wsgi -b
      - ./backend:/code
      - "SECRET_KEY=your_secret_key"
      - "DEBUG=False"
      - ""
      - "FRONTEND_URL="
      - "SENTRY_DSN=your_sentry_dsn"
    container_name: "bkmrks-bot"
    build: ./bot/
    command: python
      - ./bot:/code
      - "BOT_TOKEN=your_bot_token"
      - "API_BASE_URL="
      container_name: "bkmrks-node"
      build: ./frontend/
      command: node .output/server/index.mjs
        - "NITRO_HOST="
        - "NITRO_PORT=3000"
    container_name: "bkmrks-nginx"
    image: nginx:1.23-alpine
      - "443:443"
      - "80:80"
      - ./backend:/code
      - ./docker/nginx/logs:/var/log/nginx
      - ./docker/nginx/default.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
      - ./docker/nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
      - ./backend/media:/media
      - ./backend/staticfiles:/staticfiles
      - /etc/letsencrypt/archive/
      - api
  • For the first time, start project with docker compose up -d --build from the project directory.
  • Issue following commands to run bash inside api's container and migrate the database, create superuser and collect static files:
docker exec -it bkmrks-api bash
python -m manage migrate
python -m manage createsuperuser
python -m manage collectstatic
  • Restart project with docker compose down, then docker compose up -d.
  • Enjoy! 😃



Веб-приложение для сохранения закладок. Состоит из API на Django REST Framework, Телеграм-бота (через него можно сохранять закладки), Celery для обработки задач, создаваемых ботом, и фронтенда на Nuxt.




