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Before you start

Make sure you have

  • A Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster with 4 nodes. Each with:

    • 16 VCPU cores and
    • 16 GB memory
  • Your Google Cloud user has:

    • The Owner Role in the Google Cloud Project your GKE cluster is running on OR
    • A role containing the container.clusterRoleBindings.create permission. This perms is included in Kubernetes Engine Admin
  • Kubectl

  • gcloud

  • Helm

  • Hazelcast CLI tool 5.3.1

Fraud Detection With Hazelcast

In this demo, you will deploy a Real-time Fraud Detection Solution to Hazelcast.

Real-time Fraud Detection Demo Set up

The main components are:

  • A 3-node Hazelcast cluster storing fake customer and merchant data (in memory) and running a fraud detection model (written in Python using the LightGBM framework)
  • A customer and merchant data loader program (written in Python) showing how to load data into Hazelcast (distributed in-memory data store)
  • A client Java program to define and submit the real-time inference pipeline to Hazelcast. This pipeline defines a sequence of steps to determine if an incoming transaction is potentially fraudulent.
  • A Python transaction loader program similuating transactions being sent to Hazelcast
  • Hazelcast Management Center
  • A Fraud Analytics dashboard showing transactions and fraud predictions

Fraud Analytics Dashboard

By the end of this demo, you will be able to visualize fraud predictions. This dashboard was built in Python and uses SQL to retrieve data from Hazelcast

Fraud dashboard

Let's Get Started - Clone this Repo

git clone
cd fraud-detection-python

NOTE: If your clone command fails, set up a Github Personal Access token as described here.

Ensure you set a reasonable expiry date and set scope to: repo, user, admin:public_key

STEP 1: Set up Your Kubernetes Cluster

Make sure you have a Kubernetes cluster and your kubectl command pointing to it.

We will use Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) in this setup but you could use another Kubernetes provider.

In GKE, create a cluster named hz-fraud-detection-python. Ensure your cluster has 5 nodes with at least 8 VCPUs and 8GB memory each. You can use this video as guide to create your GKE Cluster

Once created, you can point kubectl to it by running

gcloud container clusters get-credentials hz-fraud-detection-python --zone europe-west2-a --project <your-gke-project>

Deploy a 3-node Hazelcast Cluster, Management Center, Fraud Dashboard & Data loader PODS

First, prepare your Kubernetes cluster with

kubectl apply -f
helm repo add hazelcast
helm repo update

Finally, deploy all components with

helm install -f values.yaml hz-python hazelcast/hazelcast && kubectl apply -f hz-pods.yaml 

Wait 3-5 minutes and ALL 6 PODS should be RUNNING

kubectl get pods

The output should be similar to kubectl get pods

STEP 2: Load Customer and Merchant data to Hazelcast (In-Memory data store)

Open a second Terminal window

Identify your "data-loader" pod name. Check the output of kubectl get pods In the above case, it is data-loader-6ccbb8b88b-7sjvq

Open a Terminal to this pod

kubectl exec --stdin --tty data-loader-6ccbb8b88b-7sjvq -- /bin/bash

Within that terminal run


The output should confirm that Customer and Merchant data is now stored in Hazelcast kubectl get pods

STEP 3: Submit Real-time Inference Pipeline to Hazelcast

Go back to your initial Terminal window. Make sure to keep the Data loader Terminal in a separate window/tab

Let's grab the Hazelcast endpoint to our cluster, run

kubectl get services

You should see the following SERVICES available kubectl get services

Make a note of the EXTERNAL-IP for your Hazelcast cluster. Look for the hz-python-hazelcast service. In this example, it is

3.1 MAC & Linux Users

Set an environment variable

export HZ_ENDPOINT=<your-hz-python--service-external-ip>:5701

Now you can deploy the real-time inference pipeline by running

cd deploy-jobs

Folowed by

hz-cli submit -t $HZ_ENDPOINT -v -c org.example.Main target/deploy-jobs-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 

3.2 Windows Users!

⚠️ Windows users, run this hz-cli command instead: Replace your-hz-python--service-external-ip with the above EXTERNAL-IP address for the hz-python-hazelcast service

First cd to the deploy-jobs directory

cd deploy-jobs
docker run \
    -v "$(pwd)"/target/deploy-jobs-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:/usr/lib/hazelcast/deploy-jobs-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    -e HZ_ENDPOINT=<your-hz-python--service-external-ip>:5701 
    --rm edsandovalhz/hz-531-python-310 \
    /usr/lib/hazelcast/bin/hz-cli submit -t <your-hz-python--service-external-ip>:5701 -c org.example.Main /usr/lib/hazelcast/deploy-jobs-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

What is the Real-time Inference pipeline doing?

Your inference pipeline has now been deployed to Hazelcast. But wait, what is this pipeline doing?

The picture below illustrates what this real-time pipeline is automating Realtime fraud detection pipeline: behind the scenes

Broadly speaking, the pipeline is processing incoming transactions. The steps:

  • Ingest - placing new transactions in the "transaction" map (in-memory distributed data structure in Hazelcast) triggers the execution of this pipeline
  • Enrich - Using credit card number and merchant code on the incoming transaction, it looks up data in the "customer" and "merchant" maps. This information was previosuly loaded to Hazelcast in-memory data store (in step 2)
  • Transform - Calculates the 'Distance from home' feature using location reported in the transaction and customer billing address stored (which is available on the "customer" map)
  • Predict - Runs the LightGBM model passing the required input data (transformed in the format required by the model)
  • Act - Stores the fraud probability returned by the model, along with the transaction data in the predictionResult MAP (Hazelcast in-memory) for real-time analytics

You can find a full description of the inference pipeline here

STEP 4: Time to fire some transactions into your Hazelcast inference pipeline!

Go back to your Data loader Terminal window

python data/transaction-stream-full.csv 4 5000

Note: This command will split the load into 4 processes. Each process will print out a message for every 5000 transactions loaded

STEP 5: Monitor your Inference Pipeline in Management Center

Go back to your main Terminal Window

Let's grab your management center IP address

kubectl get services

You should see the following SERVICES available kubectl get services

Make a note of the EXTERNAL-IP for your management center. Look for the hz-python-hazelcast-mancenter service. In this example, it is

Open a Browser to this location

Navigate to Streaming->Jobs.

Your Inference pipeline should be processsing transactions Man center showing real-time inference pipeline job running

STEP 6: Let's Visualize transactions and their fraud predictions

Go back your main terminal window

Make a note of the EXTERNAL-IP for your fraud dashboard service. Look for the fraud-dashboard service. In this example, it is

Open a Browser to this location Fraud dashboard

Play around with the Analyst - SQL Playground You can enter a SQL Statement like

FROM predictionResult 
where fraud_probability > 0.7 and customer_name='Carol Serrano'

Press CTRL+ENTER to execute the SQL


Gracefully Terminate your Kubernetes Deployment

Go back to you main Terminal

helm delete hz-python && kubectl delete -f hz-pods.yaml


Don't forget to DELETE Your Kubernetes cluster

to avoid unnecesary GKE/Cloud bills!


How was the Feature and Transaction Data Loaded into Hazelcast?

Using Hazelcast Python client. More details here

How was the Fraud Dashboard built?

With Streamlit as data visualization and Hazelcast Python issuing SQL queries. More details here

How was the LightGBM model trained?

Using a fictional credit card transaction dataset and the LightGBM framework. Check out this Google Colab Notebook The notebook describes most of the training process. You will notice that

  • It only uses 50% of the original dataset for training and
  • it drops a few features

This was done so you can train a similar model for free on Google Colab.

When you execute all Cells in the notebook, you can download the trained model Download trained Model from Colab

How was the LightGBM model used to score transactions in a Hazelcast?

Using Hazelcast's Pipeline API and the MapUsingPython function.

The MapUsingPython function allows to run Python code on a Hazelcast cluster

This function can only be used in a Hazelcast Pipeline. See more details here

Can I run this demo on my local machine (eg. No Kubernetes)?

Yes, You will need Docker and a machine at least 10 CPU cores and 32GB RAM

See step-by-step instructions here


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