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Video Frame Metadata Extraction

This Python script is designed to extract metadata from an SRT file and write it to the frames of a video. It utilizes the ffmpeg and exiftool command-line tools to split the video into frames and write the metadata, respectively.


  • Python 3.x
  • ffmpeg command-line tool
  • exiftool command-line tool


  1. Ensure that you have Python 3.x installed on your system.

  2. Install the required Python dependencies by running the following command:

    pip install argparse
  3. Install ffmpeg and exiftool on your system. Instructions for installation can be found on the official websites of the respective tools.

  4. Download or clone the script to your local machine.

  5. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory containing the script.

  6. Run the following command to execute the script:

    python --video <path_to_video> --srt <path_to_srt> [--framerate <framerate>] [--framerate-video <framerate_video>] [--frames_dir <frames_dir>] [--metadata-file <metadata_file>]

    Replace with the actual name of the script file.


    • --video: (required) Path to the video file.
    • --srt: (required) Path to the SRT file containing metadata.
    • --framerate: (optional) Framerate at which to output the frames. Default is 1.
    • --framerate-video: (optional) Framerate of the input video. Default is 30.
    • --frames_dir: (optional) Path to the directory where the frames will be saved. Default is 'frames/'.
    • --metadata-file: (optional) Path to the metadata image file. Default is 'metadata.jpg'.

    Note: Make sure to replace <path_to_video>, <path_to_srt>, and other parameters with the actual paths and values.

  7. The script will perform the following actions:

    • Parse the SRT file to extract frame numbers, timestamps, and metadata.
    • Split the video into frames using ffmpeg.
    • Write the metadata from the metadata image file to the frames using exiftool.
    • Write the extracted metadata to the frames using exiftool.
  8. After the script finishes executing, you will find the frames with the embedded metadata in the specified --frames_dir directory.


Here is an example command to run the script:

python --video input_video.mp4 --srt --framerate 2 --framerate-video 30 --frames_dir output_frames --metadata-file metadata.jpg

In this example, the script will extract metadata from the file and embed it into the frames of the input_video.mp4 video. The frames will be saved in the output_frames directory, and the metadata will be written using the metadata.jpg file.

The metadata.jpg file should be a photo you have taken with the device that captured the video. This allows the tagged images to be uploaded to DroneDeploy without issue.

Feel free to adjust the parameters according to your specific requirements.


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