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Normalize objects

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npm install @hckrnews/normalizer or yarn add @hckrnews/normalizer

Test the package

npm run test or yarn test


import makeNormalizer from '@hckrnews/normalizer';

const schemaFrom = {
    pim_sku: String,
    pim_productgroupname: String
const schemaTo = {
    sku: String,
    group: {
        name: String
const Normalizer = makeNormalizer({ schemaFrom, schemaTo })

const rawData = [
        pim_sku: '123',
        pim_productgroupname: 'Bike'

const mapping = (data) => ({
    sku: data.pim_sku,
    group: {
        name: data.pim_productgroupname

const normalizer = new Normalizer({ data: rawData, mapping })


        sku: '123',
        group: {
            name: 'Bike'