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The Go OPTional Package Helper


Assuming you have a bunch of tools organized in package/version style directories, this tool will help you list and pick specific versions for your current shell session. This will NOT affect the system wide PATH but only the shell you run it in. This is by design.


Download the binary for your system, rename it to gopt and drop it in your bin folder.

Bash helper

It is not possible for a process to modify the parent environment, which is why we need to introduce the goptuse helper function. This overwrites the PATH environment variable with the output of gopt use {parameters}

Add to ~/.bashrc:

# This should point to your package directory:
export GOPT_PACKAGES=$HOME/opt/packages

# This is the command (function) you'll use to update your path:
function goptuse() {
	export PATH="$(gopt use "$@")"

List packages

# List all packages and latest version (-t for pretty tables)
$ gopt list -t
| PACKAGE              | PATH                                       | LATEST VERSION |
| aws-cli              | /home/hc/opt/packages/aws-cli              | 2.13.9         |
| aws-vault            | /home/hc/opt/packages/aws-vault            | 7.2.0          |
| cilium-cli           | /home/hc/opt/packages/cilium-cli           | 0.15.5         |
| drone-cli            | /home/hc/opt/packages/drone-cli            | 1.7.0          |
| flux2                | /home/hc/opt/packages/flux2                | 2.0.1          |
| github-cli           | /home/hc/opt/packages/github-cli           | 2.32.1         |
| go-containerregistry | /home/hc/opt/packages/go-containerregistry | 0.16.1         |
| gomplate             | /home/hc/opt/packages/gomplate             | 3.11.5         |
| helm                 | /home/hc/opt/packages/helm                 | 3.12.3         |
| k9s                  | /home/hc/opt/packages/k9s                  | 0.27.4         |
| krew                 | /home/hc/opt/packages/krew                 | 0.4.4          |
| kubectl              | /home/hc/opt/packages/kubectl              | 1.28.0         |
| kubelogin            | /home/hc/opt/packages/kubelogin            | 1.28.0         |
| kubevirt             | /home/hc/opt/packages/kubevirt             | 1.0.0          |
| logcli               | /home/hc/opt/packages/logcli               | 2.8.4          |
| pv-migrate           | /home/hc/opt/packages/pv-migrate           | 1.2.0          |
| terraform            | /home/hc/opt/packages/terraform            | 1.5.5          |
| terraform-docs       | /home/hc/opt/packages/terraform-docs       | 0.16.0         |
| terragrunt           | /home/hc/opt/packages/terragrunt           | 0.50.1         |
| velero               | /home/hc/opt/packages/velero               | 1.11.1         |
| yq                   | /home/hc/opt/packages/yq                   | 4.35.1         |

# List all terraform versions (-t for pretty tables)
$ gopt list -t terraform
| PACKAGE   | VERSION | PATH                                  |
| terraform | 1.0.9   | /home/hc/opt/packages/terraform/1.0.9 |
| terraform | 1.1.7   | /home/hc/opt/packages/terraform/1.1.7 |
| terraform | 1.3.7   | /home/hc/opt/packages/terraform/1.3.7 |
| terraform | 1.5.5   | /home/hc/opt/packages/terraform/1.5.5 |

Select (use) package

# If you haven't run goptuse previously, terraform won't be in the path:
$ terraform --version
bash: terraform: command not found

# No parameters means pick latest version of all found packages:
$ goptuse

# Verify that we added the correct binary to the path:
$ which terraform

# Now pick another one:
$ goptuse terraform:1.3.7

# Verify that the new version is in the path:
$ which terraform

# gopt use will append to PATH by default. Add -p if you with to prepend instead
# You can also add this to the bash function above.
$ goptuse -p terraform:1.3.7